Who made Europe look like that?

Who made Europe look like that?

Attached: hamburg+germany.jpg (590x789, 284.19K)

Jews. Literally exactly what Hitler said was going to happen and now it’s illegal to question them.
Hitler 2 is going to be pissed.


How, slavshit?

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Unclog my toilet polemonkey.

The Eternal Anglo did it, glad to serve his jewish masters.

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You the britshits together with amerimongols

different locations. picrel is a picture taken from the same bridge (but with a full view of the town hall). hamburg aesthetically literally shits on all the depressing cities on your rainy island, tommy ape. yes we have shitskins, but not nearly as much as you do, also much less crime. cope, seeth and tiki masallah crumpet and always remember: diversity built britain.

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Not jews. its Democrats, leftists, socialists, greens because they support immigration and "antiracist" politics.

>not jews
>Proceeds to lists all types of jews
What did he mean by this?


Might be his first day on the job.

By siding with slavs and kikes against real humans. Muttland and it's vassals are the evil that needs to be eradicated for good to thrive. I for one is looki g forward to the end of the anglo-judeo world order and whatever comes after is better.


Explain to me who they are jews? Socialists and greens have surpisingly large amount of white blonde women. Unlike you I actually look directly at people in different parties instead of viewing everything through Any Forums and believing into all memes.

Take off the meme flag and I would tell you :)

post more of these comparisons

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Mutt bros what happened, you told me you were the inventors of burgers

no, idiot that's Hamburg.


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Thats what Hamburgers are named after, amerifat

>When you try to be insulting and funny but instead come across as a dumb nigger

i will never forget the night when i read his book for the first time back at my social democrat voting parents house... its a surreal experience to what detail stuff repeats itself... everybody who doesnt believe that there is exact laws to history is a retard

The past looks nice but imagine having to dress up formally just to go to the convenience store for a drink? Imagine the dress code police flagging you down and throwing in jail for such crime against demented nazi mentality. If the US wasn’t nazi enough already it’s only 5% of the world population but harbors 25% of all the prisons combined. Land of the free is a prison state you’ll do years in prison of not life for pocket drugs thanks to. Biden and Clinton’s laws. And now the irs has gone full SS storm trooper under Biden yet again. It’s not like magatards are any saner they are the same coin and benefit from the exploitation when the pendulum swings their way