I want it all to collapse

>Be me
>Own Small construction company
>Fairly Successful
>Married with a kid
>Cant shake this feeling of depression? idk what to call it, not sad not mad. I cant explain
>While I should be happy and grateful for what I have / made for myself and my family I just want it all to end.

Im just tired of the mundane bullshit of life. Maybe I just need a vacation.

Was it better before tech became the staple of society?

Why are us men falling to such low mental states?

Attached: byebye.jpg (1280x720, 113.5K)

it is collapsing in case you haven't noticed

just slow enough to drive us crazy

care to elaborate on why you started a family when everything is clearly falling apart, were you unaware of it?

you're going insane! I love it! the psychological manipulation is working. Now we just need to redirect your insanity towards the normies.

I wanted a son, I'm the only male with my last name. Wanted it to carry on.

Also probably why i feel the way i do, in a sense its guilt for knowing what hes gonna have to go through in his lifetime

>was it better in the before time
Yes. Life was still hard but it wasn't upside down. There is a soft kill genocide occurring thats why you are depressed. The only thing that I can think of that would make me feel better is arresting and assign capital punishment to the people responsible for this.

lol don't worry the collapse is already going on and it's gonna get fucking biblical

Attached: tedcollapse.png (1474x1054, 648.72K)

Wont get me glowie

understandable, don't know it this is going to make you feel better but I am 20 and my generation is very extreme, on one side you have the retarded degenerate zoomers ruining themselves and on the other you have others sick and tired of the current situation and they are slowly drifting to national socialism, if you compare this to previous generations it's an improvement because sooner or later the two camps will fight and you know who will win, the last camp is abandoning society because they want to see the village burn, make sure your son knows which camp he should be on but don't shock him at an early age

the agricultural revolution and its consequences were a disaster for the human race

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>capital punishment
too easy, jews eternally hate the german because he made them work in camps, for a jew that is a fate worse than death, make them do hard labor and see if they won't ask you for death

It's been collapsing since it's beginning. Same as it ever was. So always the human legacy

> can’t shake the depression
No shit america has a high selfkill rate and highest rate of drug abuse in the world. Also highest number of people on antidepressants. Most people in america are miserable. It seems like everything is fine because people put their photoshopped lives on social media, but it’s all a sham. The country is being filled with third world trash and basically run by a satanic leadership under a technocracy

>I want it all to collapse
>'it all'
You clearly mean the usa.
The world is much bigger than your failed usa, kid.
>muh usa
Begone, foul stench of mutt.

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>It's been collapsing since it's beginning.
Ever since the jews and masons founded your shitty usa, kiddo.
We were delighted to have got rid of you and your kind in 1776.

Attached: NiceSkirtGeorge_AmericasFirstTrannie.jpg (1920x1080, 1.25M)

>I want it all to collapse
immigrate to russia, nigger
they'll need men after the war
be happy
living in america requires strength

Running your own business is a pain in the ass. Yes you could make it and become a millionaire but it's unlikely. Be your own boss? Right, just remember you're working for the tax man. I pretended life was great when I worked for myself, but in reality I never had time off. I was working nights and weekends and even when there was nothing to do it was playing on my mind that I had deadlines to meet or I could end up with a fine or even in prison

Dumped the business and got a normal 9-5 job and I'm a lot fucking happier

You should try it

>And to all of those in this struggle: guard yourself with even an harder and fanatical manner of resistance so that we can just as we have in the past can put a wreathe on the grave of this struggle inscribed: "And yet we were victorious"

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I started mine in 2019 before everything went to shit and managed to stay afloat and prosper during the coof. I have had offers to sell my business but its the whole i worked hard for this and to just give it up feels wrong.

I do think about it from time to time though

We used to all own and run small family farms. We'd hold community events together. We'd share knowledge & equipment amongst each other. If someone ran into a problem the community would galvanize and help that person. There was a sense of security and familiarity to that life.

Modern life is so atomized and disconnected. There's no feeling of any security, community, or belonging. You live in a studio apartment in Philly surrounded by thousands of strangers all living their own disjointed lives. Even making a good living. It all feels like it could all collapse tomorrow.

S o y ciety offers us nothing so we want out. Only fiction provides solutions.

Attached: PRO is RIGHT about FRENs.png (410x303, 22.5K)

>Now we just need to redirect your insanity towards the normies
pffft, I wish the glowies were that awesome.

Yeah we aren't jews though. Just hang them and move on.

Im a sole trader and just do jobs on a subcontract basis mainly. I can work two or three days a week and that is enough to get by but not save much money. But the work or specifically the job I'm doing at the moment is a drag and I'm just not feeling it. Feels like I'm wasting my time, like my time is worth more. I'm looking into real estate now and dropshipping, see if I can find success there

I've realised I want to live like a neet but with money and do stuff, aka what rich people do. Small hours, big pay. Hopefully I will make it

Spitty McSpot on there chap. Basically if you don't benefit from free fed money you will just have a hard life. Working for a big company gets you on the gravy train. Kind of hard to fight against $3T of new cash every year.

Where are you running a successful small construction business? I used to know 15 guys like you all over upstate NY and bounce between all of em for work, but they're all gone now...have been for years

It is collapsing. It is starting to accelerate. You'll get your wish. Nobody can fix the damage that has been done over the past couple of years.

This, who needs to fix stuff when the house goes up $50k/year anyway. And whoever buys can't afford to fix because they are maxed out.

Yes, we're accelerating right into a prison cell. It's almost too late to fight back.

A based man doesn't need many words. Check to see if your phone is ringing.

checked and midwest, I do work in Illinois Iowa and Missouri

>Why are us men falling to such low mental states?
>should be happy
Isn't a thing

Oh so you're a nigger from east STL. Let me know if you know the guy that owns Wilson overhead doors. Met him a while back.

nice quad

You shouldn't have married a kid OP, a bad thing to do.

If you have spare time, ask yourself what would be a cool thing to do. Do that activity as a no expectations hobby, enjoyable "me time". Should help you recharge your batteries and maintain mental health.


way farther south than me

Based didn't even check myself.

Do you drink alcohol or smoke weed?

If so stop, the alcohol is making you stressed and depressed. Weed will do the same.

on a roll there user


This, weed brings me closer to suicide than anything. Did I just become the boomer that says the weed wasn't always this strong?

t. Muhammed

Then move to Russia you fucking traitor faggot. Get the fuck out of my country.