What was in the envelope?


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Right before this happened Q posted "watch the wives. Pretty interesting shit.

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The sign is a subtile joke.


It says in all caps:


i think it was different for everyone
some were short and easily recognized, like a photo
it didn't take Jeb long to react so there wasn't much reading involved
Michelle Obama took a little longer on hers

and Jimmy Carter didn't get one at all

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It's blackmail from Klaus

Niggermail from a real live nigger

Hunter Biden's dick pics.

Literally nothing, it was the menu for dinner afterwards. Some of them looked shocked because there was no vegan option

Ashley's Shower Photo

Bush Jr snitched and his father was put to death.

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It said "Two more weeks"

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what an amazing post there user.

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Underrated comment


This was a big tell with everyone looking shocked, confused and leaning in to a private huddle.

Who else was around the Bidens in this photo? It looks as if they're having the purpose or placement of the card explained to them. Is it someone saying
>President Trump asked for them to be placed there
>The Bush family put them there
>I don't know, we just got told by security to put the cards in there

Hillary's reaction was kind of nonplussed. She took her time to study it and then kind of shrugged.

I like this theory.

you guys are shizo as fuck
literally zero reaction from hillary or joe biden or the obamas. biden doesnt even open the fucking thing.