You need to seriously consider voting for DeSantis

You need to seriously consider voting for DeSantis.
All of the shit flinging about 'orange man bad' gets thrown out the window, and the left will actually have to focus on the issues they've created for the country since 2020.
This guy would be able to talk to the issues without getting shit on the way Trump has been shit on for the last 8+ years.
He stands for everything Trump does, he's way younger so the 'senile' aspect of the Trump/Biden race only focuses on Dems

It's the best solution for America to actually continue being great from where Trump left off.

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They’ll run the same exact playbook against him

DeSantis is just Gavin Newsom for republicans


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DeSantis is never going to be elected president in the most heightist country to exist

>You need to seriously consider voting for DeSantis.

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>He stands for everything Trump does
lmao even

I hate DeSantis.. and I don't like Biden
But I hate Trump with everything in my soul.
I will vote for DeSantis.. if he runs.
I will never vote for the grifter Trump.

Dems don’t push for newsome over biden Like some push for desantis over trump

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Desantis will be an excellent President in 2028, until then he will be a great VP.

He is too short. We take that serious in my household.

I can't speak for all women but would rather have 4 more years of Biden then endure 1 second of trying to take a man under 6 foot serious.

Nobody pushed for biden until the diversity candidates failed. Same thing will happen in the dem primary. Keep up the illusion of diverse choice, then rig it for whitey. Happens every time.

Floridaman here voting for Charlie Crist, get fucked.

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>this anti-white Zionist Republican will be different guys just vote for him trust me it’s for real this time

Suck. My. Asshole.

if only there were 80,999,999 more voters like you.

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Whatever don't care. This government has failed us and have been since before I was born.

Republicans are fucked. You are trash. You are evil. You will never rule.

Federal government is illegitimate. Do not vote for President, Trump showed how useless anyone in that office is, vote for state senators and governors.

>You need to seriously consider voting
you jumped the shark with your pony show
consequences will never be the same

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He's establishment. We need punished Trump to fire 50000 federal employees and replace them with MAGA chuds. Desantis lacks the will and the wherewithal to save this country. He won't end immigration.

Mark, oh. Rubya/

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DeSantis is just a return to politics as usual no matter how "based" he may seem. Trump is not politics as usual despite all his flaws.

I'm writing in Jesus Christ if I vote at all. I'm not so sure that I'm going to feel like giving this government legitimacy by participating in any further elections.

If he was worth a damn, he would be getting raided by the feds as well

Sorry, shut the fuck up, no more do overs, fuck Federal Repubs just as much as Dems, they will still betray you. Federal Repubs voted unanimously to condemn the Charlottesville marchers, the wall wasn't built because Trump wants a big beautiful door to get low wage migrant workers. Nothing is reversing white genocide in America now, but at least we can protest it by refusing to give ZOG permission. The rational thing now is to get out of this country before the ZOG monkeymen start shooting at us.

A vote for a ZOG politician, Dem or Repub, gives them permission to white genocide you. It's that simple.

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He actually actively does stuff. He doesn't just impotently soak up damage and complain. I'd vote for him over Trump if it looked like he might win. I'd like to know who is around him; who his campaign manager is; who is his chief of staff; his donors. He's an American politician from (((Florida))) so it's not as if he's going to goosestep and 1488 or whatever.

Florida anons have a duty to bump DeSantis threads.

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The fact people still care about poolitics after everything thats happened in the last 5 years that would make a dystopian sci fi writer jealous made me lose all hope, people truly only revolt when they dont have a roof or food.

Get me out of this ride.

hes my #1 choice.

shills are terrified of him because hes harder than trump and with none of the baggage. ill still vote for trump if retards choose him in the primary but desantis is easily the best.

He's not even running
This is a divide the right psyop ffs

Yes user
Good goy
Very good

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Peak clown world. Desantis worships Israel and so I just don't like politicians or governments friendly to Israel because the Zionists behavior had been reprehensible a century before the establishment of Israel. And has continued as such. Then there's the founding of the adl, Rosenberg who bombed the capital building and went on to work for an IV league university aiding in the founding of black lives matters and likely critical race theory.

I am completely dissolutioned with modern Christianity after everything I've learned in the last ten years. The war in Iraq, Libya, our actions against Assad in Syria.

I balance between wanting to keep my standard of living and increase it to justify most of this shit but I don't like it.

Our democracy is an illusion because of the centralized media corporations including fox. All of our politicians are hustlers with the Left being the most dishonest and two faced.

I genuinely the only Hope for white people at this point is to join together for our fellow interests and I believe that had I been born in Nazi Germany my life would have turned out very differently but that time has passed and I feel powerless to do anything alone, but we all know that the moment something like that picks up enough momentum people will immediately call us Nazis and that's why people won't do it. They're afraid because they've been indoctrinated by (((communists))) who now run the show and infiltrated,with their faggot secret societies, our educational system 50 years ago. It's been a psyop ever since federally funded schools were banned from using the term Aryan. US newspapers were pro Germany before we entered WW1. No one wanted to go to war. The Zionists made it happen with their influence in the Media then and their influence in finance, etc. I am so glad that I never had to go fight a war based on lies.