How to quit bad habits once becoming a right winger?

I have becoming politically right wing but I have many addictions
I managed to kick my alcohol and adderall addictions but these I listed still remain and have for years. I want to stand true to my values and quit this stuff. How do?

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1 p b t i d

Weed is fine, user. Good job quitting that other shit. Adderall and Alcohol are bad fucking news.

Look at the people that share those addictions and wonder why you want to associate yourself with them.

Re-establish your personal relationship with God.

swim for an hour every day
7mg patches x4 / day -1/day + 4mg gum
move to the hood and witness the consequences of unbridled drug addiction

Yeah gambling at casinos and these little electronic casinos and illegal card games at peoples houses and options trading

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are you mentally ill?

I’ve done that and want to stop no fag this is my third post

Ponder the Riddle of Steel.
>or just go to Church.

Forget the politics and walk with Christ. But if you're looking for great advice on quitting porn there's Easy Peasy

How much have you made or lost man

Snap a rubber band around your wrist when you catch yourself falling into old bad habits. It sounds retarded but you'll be surprised at how effective it can be. Your brain is designed to recognize pain more than anything else, and it fucking notices.

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A good place to start is getting a decent job to keep yourself busy. The less time you're sitting at home the less time you have for addictions. Once you have used that to cut back, only one thing can heal you completely: accepting the love of Jesus Christ. Many would say John or Matthew is a good place to start, but I would recommend starting at the beginning. You can treat it as symbolic fiction at first if that makes it more accessible, but eventually you will understand. Leviticus and Acts are usually a stumbling block for first timers because of all the archaic ceremony, but just know going in that the Old Testament tells the story of man's hubris and that Mosaic law is eventually broken when God made the ultimate sacrifice.

I've gone through a similar point in life myself, and I wish you luck in your recovery

How many of these sort of people do you know

Started with nothing practically got up to 101k and now down to 4k. So I guess over all still up a little bit but way down from my top. I’m single and live with parents so not the end of the world of life shattering but it hurts pretty bad still

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Checked. Jesus is Lord

Limit who you associate with, before they limit you.

Start with what’s killing you, like you did… the alcohol and speed … of the remainder, stop all drugs, they’re most likely to reinforce your behavioral /non drug addictions or thrill seeking etc.

ie quit the weed next and the rest may follow. It’s okay if it doesn’t happen overnight.

Chimping out two minutes after the question got one response, fuck yourself

become a left-winger who doesn't advertise your life as the solution to humanity.
I'm a left-winger but I tried to be right-winger, I wanted to have a family, rise kids, be productive in an over achievement sense but all I ever met was liberal woman, I could not succeed in the job market, I realized I could never have those things so I become left winger. I think my life is very unfulfilling but I can't really change that, I'm too old for a family and from my past experience it only pushed me toI become antisocial, family, friends, romantic life, all very frustrating...
I realized that you need to be lucky and economical prosperous to have the right wing experience.

dopamine detox. Exercise for your feel good hormones.

Yeah I actually had a huge social circle and changed my number and moved a town over a few years ago. Was completely off the drugs and alcohol but still did the cigs, porn, and gambling… made two friends and started smoking weed again daily but one died last week of fentanyl. So even when I’m practically alone seems like I can’t stop. I’m trying now though.