Over 50 Whitehouse officials involved in Facebook censorship

Is Zuckerberg trying to save himself? Why come out with this now, on Joe Rogan's show no less?
Did he have a change of heart? He's clearly not dumb enough to have done this by accident, and look how quickly they are acting on this. We've known about this for years yet not even 2 weeks there's a huge investigation actually producing results. Something's going on.


Attached: [email protected] (1142x988, 133.05K)

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I don't visit russia state owned media sites

That seems a bit extreme, any reason why?

Russia bad

>Big company doesn't want government oversight

Wow, shocking.

Yes, he did it on purpose.
I think he hates them fucking up his projects and him being forced to be a shill.
Don't get me wrong I don't think he's a full 1488, but he's from the 90's internet scene and his business partner founded Napster. It's more than likely he's very pro freedom of information.
Given his actions, I would guess some asshole from an alphabet agency threatened him in some way, probably something compromising, and he capitulated. This is his 5D underwater reverse backgammon strategy to break free or get back at them.
This is a guess, but listen to what he says in Rogans interview. He was definitely forced to do it.

okay but even the msm is being forced to cover this.
This shows that disinformation czar with Nina Jankowicz never really went away, they just got rid of the public facing official. Also of all the crimes Biden's admin has committed, this might actually be the thing that takes them down - it's the only official investigation producing results and so quickly. It's strange this would happen now - Zuckerberg is always told how to handle these situations by his team of lawyers, so coming out on Joe Rogans show was obviously planned and it explains why Joe was so nice to him. It also explains why something is finally being done about it.


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I do remember last year he was waterskiing while holding the American Flag which was kinda wierd

You won't do anything about it except get angry on Any Forums, and then this racist transphobic shithole will get shut down, and then you'll just have to seethe all by yourself lmao. Right wingers are impotent cowards, and your guns are just a cope.

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Bro this doesn't even make sense in the context of this thread. Do you just post this in every fucking thread without even reading what the topic is?

>Doesn't do anything except get angry on Any Forums
>Trump gets elected
>woke bullshit being panned everywhere
>the left eternally asspained (literally and figuratively given their disposition)
Stick with the plan...

probably a bot

Cool, I wonder how many more are involved with twitter censorship. Guaranteed it's higher than 50.

>doesn't even make sense in the context of this thread
That's a dead giveaway of a bot, you see the same on youtube constantly.

Not a bot, get fucked incel losers lmao. Soon there will be nowhere left for you to spread your hate and you will do NOTHING about it.

If true, 6 million wasn't nearly enough..

>I'm not a bot, I'm actually this retarded
You were better off with people thinking you were a bot.

>dude muh russia
take meds and then kill yourself

>thread: is mark zuccerberg trying to save himself?
it doesn't even make sense. At least read the thread and modify you response slightly so it fits

>>Trump gets elected
>>woke bullshit being panned everywhere
>>the left eternally asspained (literally and figuratively given their disposition)
while CIA and FBI keep shutting your sites down and trump keeps donating money to israel 1 and 2
really owning those libs and trannies


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Still continuing to do nothing but getting mad on Any Forums and you continue to have an ass pain.
It's the little things that make life worth living.

After the social media bans, the next step is to erase you incels off of the internet entirely at the ISP level. Seethe more helpless impotent chudcels.

>he doubles down on being retarded

The guy who spent nearly half a billion to manipulate the flow of information during the 2020 election is pro free access to information? Sorry but that's just dumb as fuck.

yeah it actually is a bot, holy shit

If ZH was state owned they wouldn't need an army of RU shills in the comments trying to control the narrative of every single god damn article.

And for the record, if you fucking russian glowies would leave the internet alone, I would have no problem with any of you. What you do is bad PR, plain and simple.

Live a coward, die a coward.

>The guy who spent nearly half a billion to manipulate the flow of information during the 2020 election is pro free access to information? Sorry but that's just dumb as fuck.
why would he do that?

This has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. You stupid fucking glownigger faggot.