Tell em boys

In this thread we tell the glowies and the shills of the WEF why we arent enlisting in their Armies.

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>losers that sit on Any Forums on a saturday, who are too fat, with too bad eyesight, and mental illnesses out the ass, with half of them being trannies straight from discord, wont join the army

oh noes

I'll join if we're fucking up China, but WEF goons make too much money off our trade relationship that won't ever happen.


Stay on topic user.

I'm going to enlist at 30 as a CTN as E3 I'
ll be E4 soon and can apply to OCS. GPA isn't 4.0 so I can't get officer automatically. Good idea?

I haven't seen enough black queer commercials to convince me to sign up yet

Well I wasnt asking why you are but why you arent.

I ain't no Jew's golem or slave

I am too fat, with too bad eyesight, and mental illnesses out the ass, with half of them being trannies straight from discord

The US military for the Pentagon on down made it perfectly clear that they do not want me or anyone who has similar social/political views as I do. Also, I know people who are in the military both Army and Navy and they said they could never recommend anyone join and if they could go back they would have never joined

There are better uses of your time than being under the stress of being in the US military

Because cancer rates went up 8,000% in the military after the vaccine mandate and I don't want to die of cancer.

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>sowy i wont be in your globohomo spec ops, im way too based

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Why does enlisting matter?
They can always draft you and if you refuse you go to jail. Whether you are in jail or in the army you legally lose your constitutional rights.

>even painkillers and beer warns to not be consumed while pregnant
>but an experimental gene therapy is safe for pregnancies goy trust me
those women deserved it

I tried, but they didn't want me. Now they can't have me at all.

Stay on topic.

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>You want that Charger or Challenger right user? You know they're discontinuing them in 6 months

A shepherd must lead his flock.

I can only take military orders seriously if they come from other white men. The idea of going into battle because some diaper head says so makes me nauseous. The whole group showers and pooping thing is gross as well.

So basically, niggers and curry and chingchongchangbingbongbokchoy and poopoopeepeepoopoo.

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Well, seeing my older brother come home all fucked up and sad and depressed and shit after spending the entirety of his 20s dicking around for isreali interests in some bumfuck desert, I think Ill pass. But hey! At least he got a college education, which is absolutely irrelevant in a market saturated with college degrees. Dude is not a fucking happy guy, why the fuck would I subject myself to that?

i don't want them and they don't want me. neither of us are winning any, "gotcha fuckers" on that one. it's a mutual disgust in which both sides are justified.