Least cucked state?

Where do I find the least cucked state? I'm thinking about relocating soon.

Too many Mexicans
Hot, spensive, too many Mexicans
>North Carolina
Too many black people?

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New Hampshire

If you are part of the United States, you are fucking garbage. Period. End of statement. Read the line again.

the parts of california/nevada around tahoe. live on the nevada side for no income tax

Florida is not expensive yet, but it will be one of the priciest states to live in within a few decades.

How the fuck did someone mention NV already? Nevada is the best state

Why do you say that user? I know the state is growing maybe I should invest in a vacation home there... I'll wait for the recession to decrease prices first

Shut the fuck up

Tennessee outside of nig containment zones (Shelby County and the ghettos of Nashville) seems pretty kino.

>Florida is not expensive yet
Yes it is. The only "affordable" areas are demonic hell zones like Jacksonville or South Miami where you WILL get shot

Holy shit, 6 posts into the thread and you're already sperging out like some emotional woman. Get a hold of yourself man.

The nevada side is the Reno area and it's a degenerate paradise with all the nightlife and the culture, it's kinda cool, but not much better than certain places in the PNW also not as tainted.

Just keep in mind the real good places are much more expensive.

In cities like Tampa it's getting bad, 1500 a month for a studio and 3-400k for a shitty 1500 sqf house. I've driven through Tampa a few times and honestly it feels like a giant ghetto, almost every part of it feels run down with homeless people wandering around

cry about faggot, im enjoying all the fishing and hunting a man could ever want while taking in the beautiful california weather and none of the taxes

Midwest is comfy especially if you can get an online job. Just gotta avoid a few problem areas in those states but if you have a little bit of money you can afford a nice life. In other states you gotta make 150K+ just to live in an area that is not a total shit hole near a city.

Oklahoma is the place Texas pretends to be. Honest to god just driving around rural countryside here is one of the most euphoric experiences of my life.

As long as you never leave the house you can avoid normies

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Normies are alright here... You can also live in suburbs that are within driving distance of cool areas without dealing with not owning a car or crime.

In California you would need to be making 200-300K to live the same life style you can have with 150K in Ohio.

no...no they really aren't alright anywhere anymore...

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Come to Samson Alabama, but the house on 87 going for 89k, and I’ll teach you how to remod the bathroom

Maine, New Hampshire, Carolinas, rural PA.

I mean they are bearable... To be fair most of my friends nowadays are from the past or work friends of convivence. But they are pleasant to talk with every now and then people are friendly. Just don't talk about politics or act autistic and most people will treat you well...
You don't have to be best friends but being polite and talking occasionally is just being civil

NC fag here originally from NY and holy shit I lived 45 mins from NYC and it was more white/ less black where I came from than here in rural NC

Wyoming but it’s extremely rural