Max Boot:MAGA Republicans are out of touch with the real America

>Yet it is White, Christian, rural, conservative voters who are now in the minority. Indeed, much of the reason that MAGA Republicans sound so hysterical so much of the time is that they know that the tides of economic and demographic change are leaving them behind. The White share of the population has declined from 80 percent in 1980 to just 60.1 percent in 2019. By the 2040s, America is projected to become “majority minority.”

I thought the "great replacement" was just a conspiracy theory?

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This is a Jew gloating about replacing whites and the fact that we can't do anything about it

>(((max boot)))

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Max Boot. Flaming neocon, the quintessential example of scheming warmongering Israel first shill.
This faggot is famous, this faggot brought us the seven nation war in the middle east, including the Iraq invasion.
Oy, vey, watch out for this guy.

The uniparty strikes again

>Majority minority

Probably the most diabolical term the jews have come up with, its pure evil. Anone saying should be bricked. This isnt sustainable.

No one here that can prove that he's wrong.

Why would we try? He is describing white replacement perfectly. Jews love it, we hate it. Simple as.

Kike you're not white lol

... Bidens like 38% approval rating might.

The saying goes: if the situation was truly hopeless the propaganda would be unnecessary. Well, the propaganda is gone, is the situation hopeless?

max boot said the US should be prepared to occupy afghanistan for the next 400 years. this was before the zionists bankrupted us and spread a bioweapon and then started a nuclear war with russia

says the man wearing a fedora and problem glasses

Anyone reading the writings of someone with a profile pic much less one like boot as hould shoot themselves.

Isn't Max Boot is the simp who claimed Martha's Vineyard was the "real America?"

>"you know those people that stand for what the country stood for for hundreds of years before the jews really started cranking out their propaganda? They're actually the odd ones out. The country has totally entirely flipped in the last sixty years, and you can tell because there's no conservative movies and TV shows anymore. Ignore all the conservative actors. They don't count."
It would be crazy to see (((news))) that's rooted in reality for once, instead of being blatant propaganda.

I hate Jews so much

>tides of economic and demographic change
thats called genocide via forced demographic and social engineering policies
had the 1965 immigration act not passed, none of this would be happening
being out numbered has nothing to do with being right
the lefts next big move when they feel ready is normalizing sex with children
and it doesnt matter if I'm the only one left to say "thats fkg wrong"

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The people around you okay with trans shit now will be the same okay with your kid getting fucked. And theyll say your being ridiculous and then as if over night will be having convos "well i might not agree but..,"

An invitation to pilpul, no thanks.

As Ann Coulter pointed out, MIGA is barely +4 among white people. The country could be 80% white again and MAGAs would still be the minority, still taking Ls.

I guess Any Forums that Trump had enough based browns and blacks to win 2020. Which is a strange cope but okay

Republicans are “real Americans”. The rest are rats who live in cities. We could use about 90% less of them.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, you stupid faggot. As Latino numbers grow, they are becoming more able to express their anti-alphabet people emotions and their justified hate of lazy, entitled blacks. Yes, a change is coming, but the country is going to stop tolerating all this woke bullshit. Don't believe me: take a trip to Mexico and see how they treat fags and blacks. Viva La Raza!

>The country could be 80% white again and MAGAs would still be the minority, still taking Ls.
No they wouldn't take Ls, people who go out and vote democrat are a smaller minority than that which is why they had to stuff the ballots. They aren't popular either. The democrat party as it currently exists couldn't exist in an 80% White country.