What happened to white American mothers?

What happened to white American mothers?

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Nothing wrong with 40 plus women going topless. it shouldn't attract lust under normal circumstances

White American girls are absolutely fucking nuts. They're slutty, delusional, depressed and can't cook. Most aren't very attractive physically or personality wise. They have such high expectations of life that they're never satisfied and go from one guy to the next expecting to wake up in a castle with some knight swooping them off their feet and riding off into the sunset on a horse. They're fucking nuts.

brit looks good for her age.

This particular one like the rest of the entertainment industry is also probably doing hard core narcotics

>an aging drug addict is representative of the average woman
it actually is though T_T

I concur. She has good genetics

the wall surely is hard

yes LOL

She looks like the average britbong

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big pharma

I just wanna see her eating cock or diddling herself or getting plowed!
See ain't got nothing to lose from it...

didnt she had a muzzie husbando? he got cucked too?

>Claims her social media use is for "attention"

Well I mean....

Jewish propaganda, feminism and white male disenfranchisement that destroyed the nuclear family. Understand now, fed faggot?

I've never found this crazy bitch attractive.

>can't cook
It's true

Yeah but it's pretty easy to get them to settle down just play on that Prince Charming shit. Even if you're fat and ugly you can just joke how you're their knight and they literally programmed to respond. When they figure out you were joking its to late.

That's a man

Also why don't you know how to cook? Shit isn't hard. Even if you want one to cook for you, you should know how to cook so you know when they are fucking it up so it doesn't kill you.

I can cook simple shit. Grilling meat, eggs etc. But women are the better cooks period. Why can't my woman make $150,000 a year and pay our bills like I do? We each have a role in the system. Each person does what their best at. She's a better home keeper than I am. I'm better at gathering resources for the family.

that honestly just describes most of gen z but it's only because the jews are controlling their minds