I say trans, you say rights

I say trans, you say rights.


Attached: 1662229076916.jpg (1300x1902, 881.48K)

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Wax fruit is fruit.
Wax fruit is fruit.
Wax fruit is fruit.


Even a blind man can smell them out. You will never be a real woman.

Attached: Adriana Lima.jpg (700x869, 97.29K)

Fake meat is real meat

the french faggot mutilated himself and no longer looks like that

and the american faggot looks like a man again because he hit the wall

Ok but only for the cute ones. All the ugly ones like (you) aren't included.

Attached: trap49.webm (540x960, 1.61M)

Trans rights are a human right, and no right wing chudcel will take this away from us.

Attached: 1611219998780.jpg (736x736, 49.81K)

>I say trans, you say rights.

Attached: EllenPage.webm (714x888, 1.65M)


There are no dilators in nursing homes so remember to take your own.

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>join my mental illness
who are you talking to?


America is a continent you fucking retard

Show me what they look like when they turn 30. Also every picture they take is meticulously chosen and carefully curated. Some fuck ugly girls pass for hot with photo manipulation. Same thing for these mentally ill men. If you like them it just makes you a faggot and easy prey for jewish tricks.

And nine, nine trannies were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire vaginas. For within these trannies was bound the strength and the will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another tranny was made. Deep in the land of America, in the Fires of Mount Troon, the Dark Lord Fuentes forged a master tranny, and into this troon he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.
One Tranny to rule them all.

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I say trans, you say suicide


she's anorexic.


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trannies homos pedos are all mentally ill

untreated mental illness is a threat to society

get back in the closet you got damn degenerate perverts

the wood chippers are warming up.......

Attached: nami.jpg (1000x6250, 914.92K)

are evil pieces of garbage who want to destroy tomboys


When war comes we will see.
Many of you live in delusion. Human rights aren't something you will always have. They always leave eventually.