Dr. Oz

I can't believe that I'm actually supporting this faggot.
What a world we live in.

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Biden's impersonation of the Fuhrer has gotten reluctant Oz voters off the fence.

Trump always chooses great people.

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Fuck you if you vote for this kike.

>this kike

Do you realize that he is a Turk?


doesn't he wanna further privatize the va? and medicare?

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A turk is a jew who chased a rolling penny into a mosque

I guess the peasants don't really need health care in the us do they?
survival of the fittest

Not only is he a Turk and a practicing Moslem, he is a dual citizen as well.

Fuck Donald Trump for endorsing this POS.

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You can almost never figure out who the reliable people are going to be when you need them.

>A legitimate “better than the alternative” scenario
I honestly sorry, user
But he’s seriously better than the alternative

>In 2022, Oz said that he is a "secular Muslim" and is opposed to Sharia law. He also added that his wife and children are Christian, and that he believes that the U.S. was founded on Judeo-Christian values.

You would literally vote for a plytacus as long as it had Trumps endorsement. You guys are tribal AF lol.

Is there any way they can replace Fetterman before the election to give the dems a chance or are they stuck with him?

Same, No way I can let Fetterman fag win.

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Trump said "take the vaccine" and we, his cultist supporters, said "No thanks."

nobody's making you vote

i thought Any Forums liked the Führer

Pretty fucking sad that I have to vote for this cocksucker over pic related basedslob

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the problem is the guy he is running against
> a literal caveman
