Zoomers are pozzed all across the world

Zoomers are pozzed all across the world...
Why do zoomers do that?

7th grader in Russia made news after wearing a japanese school girls uniform during the first day of school. School officials have launched an investigation.

Attached: 156.jpg (1200x696, 202.81K)

in that case it's probably jestermaxxing. Jestermaxxing is a sure sign of a male in distress.

Are they females? If so that's pretty cute.

>Zoomers are pozzed all across the world...
>Why do zoomers do that?

It's a boy in a dress.

Then a beating will suffice. That kind of behavior is unacceptable.

>Zoomers are pozzed all across the world...
>Why do zoomers do that?
Why do you think China created their own?

not my problem

Not only he wasn' beaten, but kids were making photos with him (3rd photo is him holding another boy in his arms) and applauding him.
If it happened 20 years ago, his life would become hell. But not now, apparently.

Agenda 30 also aims for total decimation of testosterone

>Jojo posing in a schoolgirl outfit
Whats the issue? That's just based

thats a fucking maid outfit or something, not a schoolgirl dress retarded gopnik

ohhhhh it's a guy
thought it was a girl
glad I'm still sane

Pretty based, I must say.

Are they male? If no, disregard

Yes, your uniform looks like shit. The one in the picture looks more like our Soviet uniform

When I was at school, all "youth subcultures" were highly regulated and controlled, so zoomers are not to blame for absolutely anything.

Like this

Attached: форма.jpg (960x720, 185.15K)

The internet. There's hardly a difference between a Russian and American zoomer when they both grow up on the internet.

I hear in Russia you can still get beat up for that, it's far far softer here.
