Great replacement is a far right conspiracy theory

>Great replacement is a far right conspiracy theory
>Also it's actually happening (and that's a good thing!)
I have unironically see people profess these two things almost at the same time. I'm really curious how they are able to do this, and what their end goal is. Why do they not just admit it?

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Are you only now seeing that these propaganda techniques are unashamedly gaslighting the population?
Very many things in modern politics are blantant unapologetic double-standards being pandered to the masses like food on a convayer belt. There's nothing to do about it because the masses are going to gobble it up so long as the system feeds them their basic needs and comforts.
Look at Weimar. The only reason people rose up is because they had to carry their money in wheelbarrows. They had no choice but to rise up. Their comforts were taken from them, they could no longer feed their desires of entertainment and debauchery. Because of that they rose up, not because of some mass awakening.
Because we now have access to these comforts, people will ignore the double standards, even embrace them. So don't get too blackpilled about this user. People are lemmings.

Jews are schizo liars. They are of their father the Devil and they are the Synagogue of Satan. "It's true to me" is their motto. If you understood the Deconstructive Dialectic method you would understand the Jew.

no i knew about it beforehand, but i have not seen it so blatant and so obvious in such a short period of time

These so called 'liberals' are conditioned to think like this. They always call you a conspiracy theorist for noticing patterns. They always say "it didn't happen, but i wish it did".

basedwanger did nothing wrong

thats not him, thats just some cyclist i encountered in argentina

X does not exist, you are a conspiracy theorist.
5 days later.
X is a good thing actually and you're a bad person for opposing it.
This is called gaslighting. If someone does this to you, you are probably right, and they have a reason to try and manipulate you into losing your convictions and lower opposition to plans they may have that affect you because those who gaslight the public are usually involved in the operations that they pretend don't exist until their official or unofficial release date.
Human animal hybrids, microchips, white replacement, child grooming by trannies, etc.
All of these things we were told aren't real, yet when the masses become aware of these things, they switch from denying they exist to claiming they're a very good thing and pretend that the "conspiracy theorists" never even mentioned them.
There are literally people who just now found out that the entire pandemic was a scam to get power and that millions of people have been injured by the clot shot covid "vaccine" because the mainstream media thinks it's an effective strategy to attack Trump with over Operation Warp Speed.

>Jews are schizo liars
Jews are a nation shaped by psychic liars who tricked/coerced everybody they are in contact with god... and this was going for millennia.

This isnt Jews aim talking about, most of these are left/liberal shabbos goyim

They are driven by sheer hatred of whites. This is why you’ll see leftists support Islam, even though both are fundamentally opposed to each other. Anything that fucks over whitey is a good thing.

Their goal is the destruction of the White race. We're going to have to do a holocaust 2.0 to solve it

Yes, the king of liars and the jews serve him.

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The Jewish mind virus. This kind of dual thinking is derived from the victim mindset. The claim that X is not happening is the attempt to deflect blame by shaming the victim and suppressing their speech. The claim that X is happening and it is a good thing is the actual agenda.
It is a Critical Theory Tactic called Repressive Tolerance developed by Herbert Marcuse (Jew) out of the Frankfurt School.
They force you to tolerate your own oppression by framing you as the oppressor.
This is why all LIBERALISM (communism, bolshevism, socialism, progressivism, wokeism etc) is just a mask for Jewish Supremacy. It is a weak side form of fascism.
"When they have the guns we are for the ballot box. When we have the guns, we are for the bullet box". Saul Alinsky (Jew) Rules for Radicals.
Jews are Fascist Supremacist and must enroll a swarm of useful idiots which they call the "Interesectional Alliance". More or less it's just a bunch of people all infected by the same victim mind virus which makes them misfits with endless grievance that Jews harvest as energy to feed into the their Hegelian Deconstructive Dialectics. To wit: Everything we believe is defined by the Deconstructive Dialectic as "arbitrary, abstract, subjective social constructs" imposed on the "victims" by an authoritarian patriarchy. But here is the rub.Their demands for social justice are no more based in objective truth than the systems of authority they seek to deconstruct. Everything they believe are just social constructs. So in the end, it is just a WORD magic battle over TRUTH itself. Whoever can manufacture consensus wins. This usually mean convincing enough people they are victims to such a frothing madness that they gladly watch their family and neighbors be hung to liberal cheers. All because they just wanted to watch niggerball and BBQ. Jews are masters at convincing people they are experiencing endless relentless oppression. That is how they get the useful idiots to die for them.

>left good / right bad
There is no hypocrisy.
I wish people would get it through their fucking skulls.
There is only attack.
Logic is meaningless.
Truth is meaningless.
Reality is meaningless.
There is only narrative.
Anything the left says is correct.
Anything the right says is incorrect.
Replacement is good and true when they're praising themselves.
When does it become a conspiracy theory?
When a rightoid objects.
Because the left is good and true and correct and the right isn't.
When the rightoid objects he has to be wrong.
Thus it is a conspiracy theory.
You can use this to illicit admissions from leftoids.
They will never self reflect, though.
You only use this knowledge when in the company of non-NPCs who aren't leftoids.
>left good / right bad
The left is all about narrative.
NOT truth or reality.
>left good / right bad

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White replacement is objectively happening. Recent polls show that over half the country believe that the Great Replacement is real. I dont think we're going to vote our way out of it as both parties are 100% jewish controlled

got a source for that? id like to read up more on that

Its our very own (((SPLC))). Of course kikes are interested in having this data. Theres a lot of useful information there but my big takeaway is that we're going to have a very large pool of men to draw from if things keep getting worse. You dont need a large percentage of the population to do a revolution.

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Going to bump because this is most important issue that kikes dont want us talking about

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Remember "CRT is not taught anywhere, it's just a very specific college course, we're not teaching it in school?" What happened to those people? It's like they got a new memo and just all forgot this talking point.

I'm starting to believe most leftists are drones, and the top 1-2% leaders, movers and shakers are insane sociopathic manipulators who gaslight by proxy and start whole memes and trends

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They know the great replacement exists, they just want to gaslight white people into thinking nothing is going on.

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Yuri Bezmenov explains why you cannot wake up the liberal Useful Idiots. The are utterly gaslit and demoralized.
This is the ONLY solution you have when dealing with liberals. Simply call them YOUR oppressor. Frame them as the OPPRESSOR and yourself the victim. Put them on the defense. You cannot reason with them. You
cannot give them facts. You cannot talk about character or morals. They don't care about reason, facts or morals. They only care about their agenda which is to to virtue signal for MARXISM which is 100% Jewish.
Jews use all forms of LIBERALISM (communism, bolshevism, socialism, progressivism and wokeism) as a mask to cover their true psychopath face of Jewish Supremacy. All LIBERALISM IS JEWISH SUPREMACY.
Thus, calling all liberals our oppressors is CORRECT analysis. All allies of the Jews on both the right and the left are golems. They cannot be reasoned with. You can only call them collaborators with oppression. They won't even understand you. It doesn't matter. Calling liberals oppressors helps to galvanize true populism. Not this fake Republican PatrioCuck MAGA Bullshit which is just cover for ZIONISM. Liberalism and Conservatism are both ZIONISM which is Jewish Supremacy. Zionism is Globalism which are both Jewish Supremacy. Understand this.