The Ukranian Erasure of White Nationalists

I've noticed something, probably others have earlier than I.

>Be Ukraine
>Push Nationalism
>Spend 8 years fighting Russian separatists in the SE of your land
>Somehow a Jewish comedian actor is made your president
>He shows acceptance of Red Sector and Azov
>Allows Ukranian esque Hitler youth
>Black suns and runes, good times for all
>Lets them fight and die for 8 years.
>War starts
>Let's them ALL die in a meat grinder
>Loyalist, best fighting group Azov bravely fights in a long siege
>Never saves them, probably all dead or in the darkest gulag ever made being mined.
>This continues for months
>Conscript all young white Ukranians and throw into WW1 style trench warfare. Now with drones and rocket assisted artillery
>Kill entire generations of young men
>All women sent off to become prostitutes/toys for Jews and sex perverts
>Le Based Jew man makes 60 billion for his boys (Israel and friends), all the Jews got to leave at the start of the war, he gets to be a big time world premier actor and cry it up in his green t-shirts.

It's so tiring. How are you guys really still doing this? Sunken cost fallacy?

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Also schizo prophecy. The green shirts are to get us used to him in them so he can effectively green screen/fake his death before he goes home to Israel and gets some hefty plastic surgery.

This was obvious from eve before the war started. With jews you lose.

Ukraine is just a globohomo business center. No one that is white gives a fuck. Kikes want everyone to care about Ukraine. Kill yourself

I wonder what kind of crazy pagan magic the people were under to go along w/ this. It drives me crazy having watched the 8 years of neopagans burning Ortho Christians on crosses and being absolute fags. Then you see some liberal idiots with the full dye witch personas "Slava Ukrani~".

The winter that comes is well deserved.

Azov, Red Sector and all the neo nazi militias that got turned into red vapor or hauled off to black sites. Those guys cared a lot about being white Ukranians.

Fuck Ukraine. Kill em all.

> Jews got to leave at the start of the war
They left before the war started, pure cohencidence. Otherwise yes.


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>>Loyalist, best fighting group Azov bravely fights in a long siege
Why don't you instead ask why Jewtin chose to totally withdraw from Kiev (so important to Russian history! not!) and his friend Zelensky's regime ruling Ukraine, instead focusing all Russian military resources on Mariupol to destroy Azov Reg't and inflict maximum damage on the White race?

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I think its pretty obvious that Kiev was a distraction or at best, a hope of ending the water quickly.

The places they've occupied are the Russian speaking areas that are also under the Russian Orthodox Church. True story. Kiev is the heart of Hohol land so it makes little sense to take that spot when they want the spots they now have heavily entrenched.

This mantra seems to be true:

With jews, you lose.

I think Nazism is the problem. People wrongfully equate White Nationalism with Nazism and Nazism with White nationalism. White Nationalism is normal because being White is normal and being nationalist is normal. But for some reason, Nazism causes people to become mentally deranged and fuck everything up. Nazis always fuck up. There isn't a single example of a nazi not fucking up. White nationalists, on the other hand, are often very successful. The American Founding Fathers, for example, were White nationalists and they were very successful. All of the European colonial powers were White nationalist until WWII.

>we never wanted Kiev

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So just like russia then. Did you notice that as well?

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This. Everyone here said that’s why we didn’t support this shit. Of course nato shills called all white nationalists that saw through this trannies like they always do. I honestly don’t feel sorry for the idiots that fall for this shit anymore just send them all to the trenches, who cares let the idiots die for the (((jews))) if they are so determined to.

They were idiots and we told them that before all this started. These are the same type of idiots who attacked us when we told them zion don and qanon were (((more of the same stuff)))

Who cares let these idiots go be cattle I’m done wasting my time on them

This is a good point, the Nazis did a bunch of dumb shit and fucked up. This is why they try and equate any white nationalists with the nazis, it’s best to reject that label and if one must seek out labels identify with other white nationalists who are better examples like you said. Neo-cons and liberals can’t get away from the fact that America was founded as a white nationalists nation and if that nation is gone then the people descended from the founding stock of this country have a right to demand reorientation for their people, which we don’t have. There isn’t one white leader who advocated for our race, most attack us like trump and instead advocate for other races like the edomites. It’s absolutely absurd the levels of treachery we have had to endure.

Inb4 the delete your thread OP. We aren’t allowed to talk about our people. You Are only allowed to talk about the future of israel and the Jewish race and Ukraine

>Be a "nationalist"
>Die for the globohomo kikes while trying to keep territories given to your "country" by commie kikes that are filled with people you hate.
Such is Ukrainian nationalism.

>Be hohol elite NATO standards trained redundant jewzog
>Hide in a basement
>Beg Israel for help
>Immediately surrender
Fucking kek

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Good posts. I doubt anyone on this board will see reason. The edgy history nerd kid that admired Hitler as a "cool villain" and now worships him unironically basically defines the energy of this board