In general, it pays for women to operate as a cartel and cooperate to ensure a high price for sex...

>In general, it pays for women to operate as a cartel and cooperate to ensure a high price for sex, just as OPEC ensures high oil prices by controlling coordinated supply. The theory therefore predicts that the effort to neutralize and shame sexually permissive women will come mainly from other women, not men, because permissive women allow men easy access to the resource and thus lower its market value. It is no coincidence, Baumeister points out, that sexual women are often termed ‘cheap.’

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women are jews and niggers of gender at the same time

Only if that price is paid in something good. If all women focus on is a man's income theyre going to sabotage their success. Women need to be in permanent relationships to maintain their mental health.
More over, women don't keep theor end of the deal even when theu do get thay "high value man". By which I mean loyalty and submission. They still cheat and theyre still bitches.
The general problem isn't women conniving to get the most foe their charm but that what theyre looking for is for men to assert their control more heavily than any man is willing to in the modern world.

So why are all women sluts now ?

Also a man can live without fucking, a woman can't.

Sex is almost free.
You can literally fuck a prostitute here for 50€ an hour and even less if you want some crack fueled disease ridden whore that turns tricks to get her next fix.
Having someone to build an emotional relationship with if you believe in that, that is expensive.

Imagine the smell between the legs

nigger cum

Something turns into a problem only when you begin to care. Focus on improving yourself and having a stable comfy life, if it's bound to happen you'll get yourself if you don't then to hell with it.

get lost, kike

Silence mudslime golem.

>almost free
dude, you can fuck for free, no need for nasty ass prostitutes. unless you are a refugee..
well you can fuck for free in that case too, non consensual sex is still free sex.

>Having someone to build an emotional relationship with if you believe in that, that is expensive.
you are dating the wrong women then.

get yourself a penis
make me, dick eater

can someone enhance the quality?

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hey cool it with the antisemitism, faguette surrender monkey

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this is the problem with men today.
this, right here.

Sex was never meant to be handled like it is now. Dating IS just prostitution. Especially when done as it is now with little interest on marriage/family.

People bounce from cock to cock for years and then find out, they have no ability to deal w/ the normal fights and hard time of a relationship. Marriage is a struggle with lots of joy and warm moments, but a struggle.

Many people think they can throw their partner away whenever things get hard or "Sex is just boring~" and go jump on the next dick. But then that Wall hits. The Wall changes everything.

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rapefugees are the ones having sex with women here, they crave the foreign cock, not in your country ?
Never, kike. I'll rest when the last one of you has disappear.

"you'll get yourself a woman if you don't then to hell with it"***

women aren't people

based turtle poster. this world is so negrified and devoid of soul.
>hurr durr u believe in love?!?! lmao just get aids dude!!


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that's a man, fag

you are replying to yourself you dumbtard
God chosen people... to go to hell !

>literal goddess in any other time
>or this one too
>still does this
that is a good looking female.

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I fixed my sentence you fucking retarded Arab.

Its terrifying to think how quickly millenium+ methods of maintaining order in society were erased.

Now people are 100% joyous to have their daughters whored off from a young age. Dads let their teen agers wear skirts so show they have to hold them down to bend over.

Absolute sodom

Built for BBC

whiter than you, shitskin

The market crashed, everyone is trying to sell.

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its hard to not get absolutely black pilled.

but i go on

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>seething camel jockey
dont you have someone to behead today jamal al bombvest bin sheepcock

they can't say shit because their wife do the same

stop projecting sandnigger, you are the ones doing that.

this kike kind of makes sense
I've given up caring about anything any my life has improved somewhat

Sorry but I'm not a subhuman Eastern Israelite. So you can't be whiter.

100% enhanced to 2D

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>I'm not a subhuman Eastern Israelite
you flag shows otherwise, kike

Fuck off, goatfucking ape. Go chew on the goat dung.

Supply and demand, bro. With half of the male populace being incels, faggots or trannies(incel-faggots) you have to compete by lowering the price.

coping refugee