"gamers are the worst, and it’s difficult to know how to stop it."

Are Gamers terrible people? What are the political implications of gamers being the worst people in the world?


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No gamers are the most coveted mates by women. Case in point their constant obsession with them. Just like ethots obsessed with courting "geeks" woth their ahegao faces and cosplaying. Like any of that is designed to attract normal men. Plus the corporate obsession with geek culture. This group of men is most desired by women and corporations for a host of reasons but these same groups are so ashamed of it they must also publicly decry this same group to not lose fsce with the normies whome theu care nothing for.

How is this shit politics?

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It's politics, did you even read my question, also you can't claim 1 post after a couple of posts, I didn't have time to reply dipshit.

Also what are political implications of mods being banned or censored?

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nice shit post have a you

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Imagine not being a gaymur in 2022. What the fuck do you even do with your life? Vidya is the only good thing about this day and age.

I've never understood this. Explain yourselves, gamelets.

>Vidya is the only good thing about this day and age
not any more, all video games suck, the last good video game was TF2 before they started adding hats.

There's tens of thousands of vidyas. You're just a hypernormie who can't get past the trending page. Hell, I'm sure you'd find good stuff there too if you actually bothered.

Yes but I'm also unironically right.
You've got men who are hyper conforming and just do things that don't get them in trouble, and you have men who will slam their foot on the ground and say
>I like this. I'm doing this. I don't care if you don't like it.
Maybe it's playing games or grooming plastic horses. In either case the essential spirit motivating that behavior is what women are looming for in men but can't find. It's the same spirit that'll move you to spend extra money on merchandise which corporations like.
Yet neither group can bring themselves to openly court or even just be nice to these men. Because these men refuse to engage in the bad faith politeness thats become standard in our culture.

Videogames nowadays just suck ass. Low skill ceilings, cheaters, woke bullshit, automated report systems, match making algorithms based on player engagement. Its just trash. What do you even play now a days? I tried to get into games again recently and it can never hold my attention for more than 20 minutes,

I don't play multiplayer, besides occasional coop. I'm still in love with classic shooters and retro fps.

name one good multiplayer game on the PC in past 20 years. No consoles since you can't chat in those games.

Same here, there really isn't anything to play multiplayer these days. They also remove chat function because someone might be trigggered by a racist or sexist remark.

Multiplayer was always try-hard, cheater-infested cancer.

Only coop games makes sense because you're not playing against some neckbeard who dedicated the better part of his life to a single game and there's no worry about cheaters. Killing Floor 2 and Deep Rock Galactic are good ones.

not always, nothing has been done about the cheaters either, but I don't think that makes all gamers bad, it makes the game devs bad because they don't care.

Anti-cheats are like armor in modern warfare. As advanced as you make it, there's always a cheap solution that will melt it with you inside. PvP multiplayer is hopeless.

I would buy killing floor 2 if is had linux support like they said they would have and if it came out on Gog


What the fuck can you even play on that? lmao

A lot of oldies and goodies, the new stuff has harder time running in wine

I used to be addicted to gaming. It took over my life.
Thank you greedy capitalists and SJWs for ringing it and setting me free.

*ruining it

>A lot of oldies and goodies
That's good enough. Never really understood the obsession over linux.

Why not have a separate SSD with Windows installed so you can play shit?

And what do you do now?

You are less free, one less thing you are allowed to enjoy.

Insurgency Sandstorm. Lots of N word sayers there.

mostly because I hate DRM, always online and steam is now censoring. If you can get it on linux then it's usually a great game that devs care about.

At least it's cheap enough when bought from Kinguin or similar sites. Dirt cheap, really.

Id rather pay higher prices and get it on gog, gabe narwhale has enough cash

I work a lot. Movies. TV. Some small amount of gaming. Hiking.
I was gamming so much I risked failing my degree.

When one thing takes over your whole lift thats called addiction. Not freedom.

Or why not live up to your memeflag and get it from picrel?

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stop trying to viral your shit article, whore

>Just like ethots obsessed with courting "geeks" woth their ahegao faces and cosplaying
They think of you as simps.

>I work a lot.
My condolences.
>Movies. TV.
>I was gamming so much I risked failing my degree.
I'm so glad my parents make enough that I barely need to care. I'll NEET my whole life if I don't find a better way.

Gamers or (((Gamers)))?

Video game players are fags. Wargamming is for real Gs and even that has alot of faggots.

i m a beatiful person you fucking nigger.

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I am jealous of your NEETness but im also set for life. I got an early inheritance. I could not work if I wanted. Some of my hobbies are expensive. Skiing. Travelling to Japan.