It bothers me that NPC's are unwilling to admit discriminating against unvaccinated people was wrong

By now the evidence is crystal clear, it was unnecessary and morally wrong and it went aainst all the (pseudo-)principles which they always promote. Just an apology would be enough, but theyre not willing to apologize or reflect critically about their inhumane evil mistakes. On the contrary, these sadists, despite being wrong, rather mock their victims because they dont fear any repercussions.
Its eating me up inside. I want justice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

still not getting the vax

Seeking validation from retards isn't worth it user. You should be glad of the litmus test, now you know for sure who is your enemy (yes, its most people)

you poor fucking victim of society

>Seeking validation from retards isn't worth it
youre right.
at least ive learned something

Antivaxxers are part of an evil cult who want lockdowns and the pandemic to continur forever. It is morally wrong to let them take away everyone else's rights. That's why people got their society back as soon as possible, and the sheeple who wanted to prevent it were locked out.


Let me try to explain:
Covid was a worldwide threat. Doing nothing was not an option.
Control measures would only work if everyone did them.
You can figure the rest out.

>Just an apology would be enough
They don't even remember it
You don't understand how much brain damage they have

>They don't even remember it
I noticed that too. They act as if nothing happened and if you mention it they wonder why youre still talking about it as if it was not the greatest infringement of our god given basic human rights since WW2.

> Euro signs and architecture
> happy Schuh on bag
Why can't Germans write anything without including an English word on it?

>Control measures would only work if everyone did them.
They don't though, it's an aerosolized virus.
It was over when you didn't restrict travel from China because that's racist :^(.
By the way, how many people were killed from remdesivir into ventilator?

>Just an apology would be enough
Exactly. When will the leaders of the Church of Antivax apologize for intentionally lying to people and causing the chinkflu to continue longer than it should have? The evidence is crystal clear.

>Why can't Germans write anything without including an English word on it?
they hate themselves and their heritage

I'm going to eat you when the lights go out.
I do hope you know that.

>They don't even remember it
Yep. The moment lockdowns were lifted, normalfags immediately memoryholed the last two years. Whenever I try to explain that a huge violation of laws, rights and freedoms has taken place, that we essentially witnessed segregation and extreme discrimination by medical status sanctioned by our own governments, I just get a blank stare. Nothing. The lights are on, but nobody's home. This blank stare lasts for two seconds or so, then their punch card reader brains move on to the next subject as if I hadn't said anything.
I hate normalfags so fucking much.

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enough with the larp already

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> Ich muss immer Selfies machen mit meinem Handy.

>at least ive learned something
It really was baffling how fast the seemingly respectable columnists, commentators and politicians went full NKVD on the unvaxxed

>move on to the next subjec
or they get angry at you for not talking about marvel

>I'm going to eat you
Don't, you might catch something.

How many people were killed from blah blah
None you fucking stupid idiot. Ventilators kill no-one. The disease that they put you on it for is quite deadly however.

pray to jewsus user
this is the only way

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>Ventilators kill no-one.
90% mortality rate.
You knew this for over a year, and it was still your standard battery for osat that was no where near rationalizing it.

NPCs never admit when they are wrong. They are the majority and they all agree with each other, so in their minds they can never be wrong. It is extremely annoying, but it is what it is. They can all believe one thing and then years later believe the exact opposite and they don't even really acknowledge that a change took place, they are just programmed to all ruthlessly reenforce whatever the collective thinks at that particular time. They are basically the Borg from Star Trek without the cool robot zombie style. I hate NPCs!

You can't expect anything of them. They are NPCs and braindead. The only time they will apologize is if the media tells them to.

did you know that it's very easy to be saved from hellfire? watch this gospel video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven after you die user.

documentary explaining why Christ rejecters that say they're Jews are not God's chosen people. talmudic judaism is depraved, evil, and satanic. And it has nothing to do with Christianity no matter what the satanic shills on Any Forums would say.

Attached: Christians are God's chosen people.jpg (960x960, 41.94K)

It doesnt matter, they will die sooner or later

>Just an apology would be enough
speak for yourself. I take great pleasure in knowing these faggots did it to themselves, even with people shouting warnings from the rooftop.
Death to all vaxxies, no exceptions.
>Great fucking pleasure.

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Fucking retard. Then why did all countries not immediately pull a Pandemic II Madagaskar move and shut down the borders? Traffic continued for MONTHS of the virus doing mad vape tricks in Wuhan and yet there were absolutely no efforts make by any country to keep the virus from spilling over with travel until it was way too late.
If there had been an interest in stopping it they would have locked down IMMEDIATELY. But no country did because getting people infected and scared was part of the NWO plan.
Fear makes people easily controllable. Just look how fast people gave up on their democratic and constitutional rights because of it.

Sweden says otherwise

>I want justice

Your thirst for vengeance will only drive things backward; the ultimate litmus test is if the unvaccinated can hold their pride as more comes out proving what we already knew. They were already condemned for taking the vax, what would more “justice” do?

I want nothing more than to be left alone to my own devices, not justice

you'll get your justice in 2 weeks when they all die of clots and you dont

>it was
>was wrong

you do realize you're still banned in plenty of countries right? you can't just fly to Canada like you used to

this is not over.
the next batch of vaccines is ready and they only tested them on mice

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