/chug/ are ANTIFA

If it weren't true then so much evidence wouldn't exist.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Russia is communist, they love Russia.
Also remember that the fate of all communists is to eat pizza hut

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Why do you write off my claims with a (you)? when will anyone address this absurd amounts of evidence that exists? this is not normal to downplay it like Any Forums has constantly done. Look at this video in greece Athens, hundreds of ANTIFA communists marching in solidarity with Russia against Ukraine.

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Whatever you say glowie

and (you) are a nigger

You're going to have explain why there's literal ANTIFA in Europe supporting Russia at some stage, or /chug/ is rightfully labeled communist.

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Only shitskins immigrants and shitskins from the third world side with russia in this conflict

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Commieniggers (CPA) from our own country support them. Those same niggers who always cry about the stolen generation.

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Russia is not anti-something.
Russia is pro-Russia. If that means uniting ourselves against Western-made cringy larping pseudonazis who serve a jew and kill their own people for the American MIC, then so be it, call us however you want.

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If it's sounds so outrageous to call them commies, then why are there all these cases of ANTIFA across Europe batting for Russia? here's evidence of ANTIFA Sweden for example:


I can show more up to date stuff, most of these orgs have not changed their positions, the radical left support Russia.

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Based, best of luck

Antifag soviet larpers are butthurt because they think Ukrainians are Nazis.
That by itself should indicate that they don't understand the situation. They're against Azov because they actually fell for the Nazi larping.

What i find more absurd about all of this, is more so that i think they're receiving money incentive to do it. No NGO would just blindly start batting for Russia unless they're getting a little bit of a nudge and actual funding. Waving Russian empire flags doesn't really vindicate this at all.

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>If it's sounds so outrageous to call them commies, then why are there all these cases of ANTIFA across Europe batting for Russia?
they are just as retarded as you

>They're against Azov because they actually fell for the Nazi larping.
Well here's the better question to put forward, if Russia were based as Any Forums have been telling us throughout the whole conflict, where are Any Forums's national socialists marching in favor of them with Zflags or whatever? can you even point towards any march from people who are on the dissident right showing their support?

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>can you even point towards any march from people who are on the dissident right showing their support?
Whoever did webm related sure as fuck wasn't a leftist.

Attached: 1657160451020.webm (854x480, 763.75K)

everybody knows /chug/ is spin-off of /leftypol/, they are not even hiding it

Well Russia having been waving around communist flags a lot. Putin has said numerous suspect things, like repeating Marxoid rhetoric about racist Neo-colonliasm etc. He's like the same crypto marxist politicians in the west like illhan omar for example.

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>if Russia were based
Believe it or not, some people are fighting for a reson other than making a show for you. If slapping some stale ss insignia on one's flag is enough to make you cheer for them, regardless of what their actual actions are, regardless of whom they serve, that tells a lot about you.

Isn't this Georgia Guidestones? what the fuck does that have to do with anything? But i do think it is quite telling that you can't produce anything, yet i have loads of evidence. Why would these radical leftists be in Russia's corner at all? something has to give, other than the fact that Russia appeals to these people. Putin still calls the collapse of the soviet union 'the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century'

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What the fuck is wrong with this one, fetal alcohol syndrome? If these dysgenic faggots had any modicum of self-awareness they'd never show their faces in public and they'd stay at home and rot.

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