Are Catholics Christian?

Are Catholics Christian?

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As certainly as OP is a faggot.

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Watch this Gospel presentation if you're not 100% sure that you're going to Heaven

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They are the OG christcucks.

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You know how I lost respect for this board and religious discussion in general?
The only people who even TRY to defend religion all seem to take the bald-ass assertion path.

"Transformers two was FUCKING AWESOME."

Not 'It was cool because....' or 'the special effects were so cool because....'

the argumentation always takes the
'This one is awesome.' and no actual argument.

Fucks sake, religious argumentation is a non-event these days.

OP's question is only of RELEVANCE to Americans who think that the capital church central to the religion could be 'inauthentic' in its Christiandom.

Its like people don't even understand 'no true scottsman'.

Catholicism is paganism lite. Actual Christianity is literal cuckoldry though.

It's the only type of Christian

anglicans are more christian than these retards

More than you

Quite ironic image

How so?

>recent heretical sect claims they're the real Church and the line of succession that started in the Bible is all fake
Why are protestcucks always like this?

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Catholics are all homos.

They venerate Mary.... why? She's a normal human being in the Bible without supernatural powers. So it's like venerating Lot, Noah, or Job. Why not venerate one of those guys?

They do it because... Mary is symbolic for their own mother. They're a bunch of closeted mommy's boys. That's why their priests are all homos who touch choir boys.

Catholicism is steeped in gayness.

Every person in this photo has no faith.
Masked at church praying to moloch for moar masks.

The congregation has/had some of the most die-hard Christians there have ever been.
Their Church... well, I ain't got nothing nice to say.

The Teutonic order converted to protestantism and became protestant white the poles stayed Catholics

>She's a normal human being in the Bible without supernatural powers.
A lot of stuff happened since then
>Why not venerate one of those guys?
None of them are the mother of the Saviour and raised by him to Heaven

They hoard wealth and seem to focus on the mother of Yeshua more than the man himself.

How can they claim to follow in his footsteps when he lived a life of poverty to stay close to God, yet they walk around in golden robes in palaces?

Catholicism also makes dysfunctional people because you will never be good enough.

Veggietales is based

Yes but the pic is just symbolism, Catholics obviously aren't giants

Its Roman mythology and Roman govt. painted with Christian Wallpaper.
They traded their polytheistic gods for Saints. Instead of a god for this and a god for that to pray to, they now have a saint for this and a saint for that that they pray to. It's all heresy.
And then they traded their roman government for Catholic heirarchy.
In both cases theres only two people you should ever pray to, Jesus, and God himself.
The only intermediary that should ever be between your prayers to God is Christ, and thats more a Gospel of John kind of thing.
Jesus said nothing of needing a clergy; especially a hierarchy of them, to hear your prayers, your sins, or to absolve you.
Yes truly blessed is Mary among all women and her womb, but praying to her is heresy. Hail Marys are heresy.
1,000 years (around 500-1500) of telling the masses only WE can read and interpret the word for you is fucked. 1,000 years of not actively trying to teach the masses how to read so they could read the word for themselves is fucked.
Indulgences is absolute heresy and while I cannot say for certain, I expect any who took them and did not repent, is in the depths of Hell.
The Catholics finished collaborating the final draft of the Bible around 300AD. They had all that time to put in shit like "Oh Joseph was a widow with sons from a previous marriage!", "Oh Mary didn't die a mortal depth, just like Elijah and Jesus, she ascended into Heaven and now she's queen of Heaven!", "Oh there's also a third place you go when you die, its called purgatory, its like a detention for Heaven!".
They've been adding heretical stories from outside the Bible, while at the same playing pick and choose with anything else that "comes forward" like other gospels.

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Just barely

Catholics worship the morning sun (Lucifer).

morning star*

>They venerate Mary.... why?
She bore God's child. In Eastern Orthodoxy, she bore God himself. Theotokos = "God Bearer". Yeah, she's venerated, and rightly so.
>Mary is symbolic for their own mother.
The Spartans memorialized two people with funerary ornamentation: men who died in combat and women who died in labor. If veneration of women emasculates Christianity then, by all means, explain how the Spartans were a bunch of pussies for doing the same.

This, except from a secular perspective.

This ho and I can see eye to eye on a number of matters - perhaps they know about how the church remade the -visage- of the Christ character to stop Germans rebelling as much (look it up).

The methodology of worship, and the faulty epistemology of religious reasoning, not to mention the fundamentally dishonest nature of calls for 'faith' are the real issues here, I think,
but in terms of recounting the 'story'/'history' blurring,

yeah, it (the religion) is a roman tool of statebuilding, spun out of nearly whole cloth, to unite a now diseperate and sprawling empire-from-a-city-state

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>The Catholics finished collaborating the final draft of the Bible around 300AD.
So here’s my question to you.
If Catholics (and Orthodox) are so wrong in your eyes, why use a Bible they compiled? Shouldn’t Protestants have a completely different Bible free of the influence of the Catholics? I know that the Old Testament differs between the two, but surely you don’t trust that Catholics got the New Testament canon correct if you believe them to be wrong on everything else?

>Its like people don't even understand 'no true scottsman'.
>doesn't understand no true scotsman
the irony