Vaccine deaths are increasing rapidly

The vaccine death apocalypse is finally upon here. Post ITT any stories you have, anyone you personally know who has died.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody died of the vaccine yet. It's 99 percent effective and safe

First for death to the Synagogue of Satan, and beware of the FALSE SATURNIAN DEATH TRAP

I only know of one guy who died right after his second shot. Heart attack in the sauna.

How many people are missing just from being demoralized by the last 3 years? I am.

I just want to say that the global population has continued to grow therefore there is no excess death anywhere else and the vax is safe and effective. I learnt that in the other thread.

ok boomer... whatever you say, BOOMER!

second for death to the Synagogue of Satan

Freya will protect her own

i've never been MORE optimistic and hopeful, watching this inhuman modern society burn.

All of my family died of covid already so I have nothing to contribute


Oh wow nice data. Consider me refutedly debunked

thanks for the update, Kojiro-San!
sophistry is such a warm, comforting blanket to wrap yourself around

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There, my ID is much better

Feels so good to see all chads and stacys dying poisoned with sores covering their skins, and their children perishing in agony, the fruit of their women rejecting us.

We finally have our revenge for being denied sex for all these years. Me not having sex for so many years have lead to this timeline, one where a massive global genocide will happen and bury all the chads and stacys, turning the Earth into a big cemetary. Only the incel will remain, and will walk laughing among the ruins.

One friend from high-school had a stroke and also heart issues. She had to have an operation on one of the valves.

Another that I've known for like 15 years dropped dead from a heart attack while kayaking.

Neither of them were unfit people or had prior issues from what I knew.

I also know a few people who get colds once every 1-2 months now. They think the experimental injection has kept them safe from worse.

fucking a vaxxed woman is suicide at this point. Otherwise there's a couple of hot asians and couple of hot africans i'd go fuck

Hall the deathless gods!

No.... actually they aren't. If you keep making up stories about the covid vaccine you will lose all cre.. oh, you have never had credibility have you antivaxtard?

80% of humans ARE useless eaters

the elite is not wrong....

watch this gospel video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven after you die.

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My G event

ID fit for this thread

Ok moyshe


i miss this nigger like you wouldn't believe
the vax got him and i'm mad.

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I know a dude who got a heart problem but he’s fine now
Aside from him, absolutely nobody developed something, much less died
Sorry, dudes. It’s not happening
t. actually has family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers and leaves the house

fuck Christianity, it is also just another man made religion

fuck Hinduism, fuck Islam, fuck Jews, fuck Buddhists, and FUCK Christianity

do you hear that? I think that's the sound of you needing your updates. Better go boost buddy or you won't have your sense of self superiority

We will recolonize Africa, the only clean continent where the vax was rejected en masse.
We will have at our disposal harems of ebony and arab women. They will shine in the sun, their large hips asking for incel seed, and we will repopulate the Earth with intelligent children.

One of my close friends died of vape lung after getting vaccinated. He didn't even vape, they're just suppressing the deaths to make it look more effective.

>repenting of your sins is a sin

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it's amazing that even now, people still take it. It's like, the divine force is removing the spiritually unevolved from this earth

Hey fuck you Gnostic nigger bitch
I've been polite so far, but when you start blaspheming you can fuck right off
>nigger is on a college campus
>thinks he's a pneumatic
cringe faggot

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I can prove a vaccine isn't responsible but you're all too caught up in cult like following to even make an inquiry, too hell bent on shilling and drowning out possibilities

Oh goody so how long until the vaccine kills me? 2 more weeks? Great then I won't have to read anymore faggot OPs like you.
>inb4 kys

A vaccine isn't responsible for the excess deaths

Do it pussy, you literally cant

I play violin while the devil dances.
I surf the waves of the waters above.
I impregnate the red lady while the cattle bleed.
The incelgeddon have just started.

Here for the leaf shill that was in the last thread.

Why are there more excess deaths in 2022 than in 2021 or 2020? Why have the deaths steadily increased when by rights 2020 and the first half of 2021 should have seen the highest excess death rates if the pandemic was entirely to blame.

Why are we seeing a 10-20% increase in excess deaths across all western countries?

Also guys pls drop the memeflags.

Look how Israel's death rate has exploded. They had over more deaths halfway through this year than the number of deaths during the so called pandemic.

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Why do you think excess deaths are higher in 2022 than in 2020 or 2021?

>Why are we seeing a 10-20% increase in excess deaths across all western countries?

this is awesome news. But the real death count is much higher, 5% of the global population died in the past 12 months

this winter, the real death wave begins

The fact that no vaccine was given should be proof enough. What was given was an experimental mRNA gene editing substance. A technology that is not a vaccine. Therefore a vaccine is not responsible

Fuck, 5 months?!? I got mine 18 months ago. Still hasn't killed me or given me bells palsy, no fucking magnetic powers no microchip nothing! 2 more weeks, right?
>captcha: 24HGAY

kek user with the bait and switch

let's not argue semantics

focus on the substance

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I believe 8-12% have perished already.
And some 45% are with side effects.

Fair enough


the modern world NEEDS to burn

This winter it all goes to Hell, already Europeans are burning their electricity bills and refusing to pay

FINALLY the fucking CHAOS begins when the West starts to truly collapse

take your boosters and never come back

Post yfw every single low iq seething vaxcattle ITT dies of SADS

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death means its working

Parody is not sophistry
Sophistry would be fallacious reasoning to try and win an argument. I'm not trying to win any arguments because it's self-evident.

>The sky is blue
>The vax is killing people and causing excess death

The two above statements have equal status as they are self-evident to those who are not wilfully ignorant.

Surely with the claimed effectiveness of the vaccine and however many tens of millions lives they are claiming the vaccine saved. Surely we should have seen a spike in deaths in the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021 with a marked decline since then.

I understand they have covid death data which shows this trend however when you look at all cause mortality the excess death is higher in 2022 than in 2021 and even more so than in 2020. It's great less people are dying of covid but kind of meaningless when more people are dying in total.

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I'm akshually very excited about the next booster (no human trials) and am encouraging all the covidiots to take it.

>average 5 months
This is it right here. Most people had their's by the end of 2021, so the peak has died off. That doesn't mean they aren't still slowly dying, or that with their weakened immune system they won't die from an otherwise innocuous cold or something similar.
Also, cancer can take years to kill. We haven't seen the increase in cancer patients yet, but we will.

kek, musashi-sama, I'm on your side!

If the leaf talking about seeing the vax blood in certain light is still here please share more

I'll drop my memeflag if you drop yours, deal?

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>5% of the global population died in the past 12 months
Do you have actual data that shows this? If you don't you shouldn't claim it because it just gives the shills easy targets to shoot down.

Gomen nasai m(_ _)m

Disugureisufuru bihevia m(_ _)m

me too. I feel THRILLED, knowing that BILLIONS of useless eaters are going to DIE!!!

I was hoping you were the leaf from the other thread.

My uncle developed lung cancer a few months ago and my mom had a stroke literally 5 months after her second shot last year. now her heart doesn't work so well, trouble breathing, on O2 24/7 via cannula and she will soon be in a power chair to cope. this slow draw is what's happening.

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I thought he was too. Kek!

kek I was the leaf calling the other leaf a faggot
easy to get confused with it though, especially when I'm shit-posting like this
luv me my pureblooded bros

>They think the experimental injection has kept them safe from worse.
Yes, the "worse" meaning "seeing reality" and depopulation agenda"

this is their karma. The boomers and older generations destroyed the West and now God is punishing them

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Fuck! My sentiments go to your folks, it's hard but hang in there, they need you now more than ever.

His shift has cleary ended as he got too butthurt to shill efficiently. He made his 2 canada dollars and will be able to by an hour with the family dog, why would he still be posting.

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Kike Big Pharma.
Israel vax uptake.
Culling their own.