The Red Sermon

How will the history books remember Biden's Red Sermon?

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Everyone will forget this timeline like they have amnesia. It’s so culturally insignificant it won’t pass the test of time. That doesn’t mean dystopia isn’t around the bend

Well the history books are written by leftists and jews so probably not at all.

But in a sane world this would be more infamous than George W Bushs "mission accomplished" speech.

Say what you want about what he said but he looked strong in that speech. This is by far the best I have seen him speak and his best speech also.

I don’t watch this gay shit, can someone give me qrd on what he said? my impression was he said the same shit left iggers have been saying for years.
>white people bad blah blah blah our democracy?
what’s the deal?

Meth is a hell of a drug

He basically called half the country evil.


All he said was that democracy is important, racism is bad and political violence is unacceptable. Basically the same things he says every day but conservatives saw the red lights and shat their pants in fear immediately.

Niggers tongue my anus, still voting Trump.

Ben Shapiro is the only guy I've seen do a decent breakdown of it.
Which is sad.
But I actually had to go looking for a reaction to it today because all the alt creators are useless.

People won't remember this in a week.

yeah so how is that different from any other day other than the spooky Halloween lighting?

Philadelphiahouse Putsch

The inside of Joe's mind is a confusing place. We should feel compassion for those who are less fortunate, especially the elderly.

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this is the leftists can't meme macro except unironically

>Ben Shapiro is the only guy I've seen do a decent breakdown of it.
Most people with double digit intellect can't stand listening to him, we all know he's nothing but a puppet for a huge criminal organization pushing for communist globalism under the banner of environmentalism and "socialist democracy".
I myself can't stand Ben as well as he uses typical jewish subversion. What I did Gather from the excerpts is if you don't agree with liberal environmentalism you are an enemy of the NWO and will be dealt with. So take your Carbon tax and pay it to the globalists while he shuts down all the independent farming and independent mining drilling and whatever else they can, two classes. The Rulers and the poor.

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Source please. Where is the actual recording of the speech?

idk but this tells me alot...

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You won't do shit.

He said MAGA republicans are an existential threat to democracy and to freedom. He’s trying to bait us to attack first. I don’t understand why anyone on either side is looking forward to the civil conflict. A lot of people are going to die on both sides and when the dust settles a foreign power could walk right in and set up shop or the winner will divide into sub factions and battle for control. This is going to get ugly. Don’t know when, but there will be a civil war, and this rhetoric isn’t helping.

Excellent deflection fellow organic 4 channel users! Stupid migas are so dumb, they will never be able to link these events as we told them not to.

>I don’t understand why anyone on either side is looking forward to the civil conflict.

It's because muh tyrannical gubment is the cornerstone of the gun industry. They're not selling you guns as tools, they're selling you a fantasy of you being an action movie hero.

The left is much smarter about how it uses violence to influence culture. On the right you'll just see a bunch a boogaloo larpers get waco'd.

I’m far right and have a good amount of guns but I don’t want a civil war because I know people that fled countries because of civil wars and what they described to me didn’t sound appealing. I do think you may be underestimating the power of an armed civilian population but only time will tell. Good luck to you in the future.

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He won't do shit.

Didn’t say he’s going to do shit, he’s baiting as well as setting the stage for trying to put Donald in prison.