America is collapsing

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Nah that's just the Jews hyperinflating your currency. The collapse doesn't happen on the rise, it happens during the reformation when the grocery store has to put up a sign that says they told take oldusd, they only take newusd and you have to convert your money at the hyperinflating peg, but the banks get the preferred platinum plan of keeping all their debts, that way people don't service their mortgages with a shovel and a wheelbarrow and a short walk down main street scooping up discarded Jewish money that doesn't have any value but does if your debt is fixed rate.

I bought over 10 lbs of pork butt at 95 cents per lb earlier this week. Feels good and tastes good man.

Attached: comfyapocalypse.jpg (640x619, 116.1K)

i think i pay about 12-17 for those here in texas

and thats when people like me come along and starting shooting, in mineraft of course. and then we will shoot ourselves at the end because fuck outta here if you think we're gonna let the kikes get the satisfaction of arresting us. i need to learn how to make cyanide pills or something like the nazis

>12.55 for a slab of meat
That doesn't actually seem that expensive though? Have I lost it?

Read it again

It's only going to get worse.

Wait until they pay farmers to not plant crops, and ban fertilizer usage.

Prepare yourself user. Buy some non perishables, and plant your victory garden. Get some rabbits and chickens too.

Your dollar has now been circumcised. You WILL eat the bugs

You can now legitimately blame your retardation on dyslexia.

Someones been watching too many prepping youtubers. Nothing ever happens

Adding to what you were saying:
I've been gardening on-and-off for about 20 years (I'm nearly 40).
My main tip is, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Lots of things that you plant will not grow all that well even if you do everything right.
Things like tomatoes grow like a weed when they want to, but will often be stunted and unhealthy due to factors out of your control such as bacteria and fungus in the soil that affect their growth.
In other words, just keep planting. Keep collecting seeds from stuff that was successful.
It goes without saying, you need to grow stuff that you can re-use the seeds or otherwise you aren't going to be able to continually plant things year after year, or season after season (depending on your climate and conditions)

it says its "grass fed" but it isnt graded. yeah, seems kind of expensive for ungraded beef, but I havent bought in a few years. grass fed isn't really a selling point to anyone that cares about flavor. most graded cows are fed corn etc to bulk them up before slaughter

to further elaborate for anyone who might care, the fat looks yellowish from the picture, which may be poor lighting, but is also a sign of being grass fed. corn fed fat tends whiter. like I said, this is ungraded beef, cheapest kind but crap shoot on flavor/tenderness. this is a rib eye steak too, probably best steak cut for flavor. being best cut of a cheap cow, this price seems really high to me when choice rin steaks were this price around pandemic panic height

Bot post

We'll have shortages before this meme dream happens. You'll walk into a grocer and they just won't have what you want. It will be a gamble whenever you go in because producers got fucked by the gov, mandates, and this Ukraine retardation so production is cut back hard. Cities will probably feel it the most.

>not buying your meat at the mexican grocery store

I think they learned some lessons from the first lockdowns. thinking more about it, this meat is probably a "fool and his money are soon parted" kind of deal. I could raise a cow in my backyard and slaughter it and call it "grass fed" and some idiot will pay top dollar for it.

I've seen Mexican beef tenderloins that were really lean and nice texture. dont knock Mexican beef, it's basically the same as Texas beef just smaller and leaner

I guess you weren't, my bad, I actually reiterated your point. sorry user

Just keep growing. Just keep planting. The most valuable thing your garden can grow is knowledge.

I hope so user. But this prosperity and wealth we've experienced isn't going to last forever. Best to keep skills sharp, and hope I never need them.

Never hurts to grow, and you might find youself enjoying the labor.

Meat hasn't exploded, but for some reason eggs are 2x

Grassfed beef in the US isn't graded. Dunno about other countries.

looks aged to me

Please consider getting yourself a few birds user. A little love, and some grain and you'll have yourself 200-250 eggs a year per bird. They can be very quiet, handle confinement well, and be very friendly.

Please consider it.

Avian flu, officially. Millions of chickens culled and incinerated. If you have them, check your local farmers; they usually have eggs.