
How does anyone still support this traitor? Do they have a double digit IQ?

Attached: 2zz9nNZ.jpg (750x532, 76.48K)

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I support all traitors to the illegitimate Zionist occupied government

potus has the power to literally declassify every single document and secret the government keeps

if only the reality was they had trump on video handing out classified documents and not that they were all unclassified and he didnt show them to anyone.

NPC narratives are political fiction.

Boris and Natasha were supposed to be a satire on how ridiculous the average American viewed Russians after we finished the insanity of McCarthyism.
This retarded artist misses the point and looks like a retard. Retard.

How ironic is it that the far-left, who attacked McCarthy's legitimate concerns about Soviet espionage, are now having their own Red Scare 2.0?
Unironically still holds up btw

Its hilarious that the artist here has to label everything in the cartoon because they know the people who believe in this are retarded and need things literally spelled out for them.

Commie faggot.

Liberals aren't far left faggot.

Why is it when a person draws their moronic non-argument, we pretend it's not moronic? 99% of all political cartoons are the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

How does a big fat Drumpf survive the Florida heat?

What was in those secret documents? 9-11 info showing it was Israeli operatives?

Says a guy who believes a man who chops his dick off magically becomes a woman...

Is that the evidence the fbi used to justify the raid?

And none of the progressives, greens, (((democratic socialist))), or regular Democrats these days are liberals.

If the FBI had evidence of Trump selling classified information to spies they'd have said it already

genius cartoon. no wonder the empty classified folders were in donaldos desk, no wonder FBI has an active investigation on Russian spies at mar a lago, no wonder donaldo is running out of depends

>If the FBI had evidence of Trump selling classified information to spies they'd have said it already

oh please at least try to think a little no matter how much it hurts

It is a very nice cartoon, though. It could be the best evidence they have

do you drool with your mouth open?
this is a reference to donaldos famous iq test interview where he stunned the world with just how fucking stupid he really is


FBI is unironically looking for the Hush-a-boom.


Attached: las vegas.jpg (1284x1584, 394.14K)

Are you trying to say the FBI is being coy because they are trying to roll up more criminals?

Weak bait dude. Feel free to link to me whatever nonsense you are trying to push and how that relates to anything in the image.