Imagine being a normie

and buying a brand home right next to the fence of a radioactive wasteland. You can literally do anything to goyim cattle.

Attached: 1583122823777.jpg (1440x810, 270.24K)

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Where is this your details were rather scant.

this is how you become a glownigger

Wtf Id kill to live there americans seriously dislike that ?

Need a main road to the right and some local shops and things but other than that not terrible for what it is.

That will be $650,000 plus commission plus HOA dues PLUS tip

Americans are all consumers, and cucks.

No backyard? How are you going to plant your victory garden?

can I go there an use a Geiger counter ? will it shows results? will I get helicoptered?

Rocky Flats Colorado.

Attached: Rocky_Flats_Site_in_July_1995_Prior_to_Final_Cleanup.jpg (805x603, 141.79K)

>Taco Bell
>Neighborhood Walmart
>All taking up 2 square miles of beautiful grassland

Don't wish for anything. It's only going to be worse than you expect.

Dilate, then die early

And those houses are expensive too. There are a few books about Rocky Flats that are pretty good to read.

>humans spreading and multiplying like roaches
>capitalism asks for higher numbers

They burned their plutonium processing line twice because WASPs were so terrified of gommunism.

Attached: 1583123029804.jpg (800x624, 47.89K)

Yeah imagine....

Attached: American homes.jpg (2160x1220, 425.33K)

>It'll be fine...

Here is where a pound of plutonium went in 1957.

Attached: Plutonium_plume_from_the_1957_fire_at_Rocky_Flats,_per_Colorado_state_dept_of_public_health.gif (448x476, 55.09K)

radiation > niggers

Candelas? Yeap

EuroPEONS will never know this feel.

Attached: Suburb.jpg (1760x1320, 583.91K)

Making a Real Killing: Rocky Flats and the Nuclear West

Look at all that open land. And it's probably BLM land so you can just go out there and shoot guns and fuck around.