How would you react knowing this little lad mounted your daughter and got her pregnant?

How would you react knowing this little lad mounted your daughter and got her pregnant?

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Jesus brit genes are cursed

God damn British people look wierd

Honestly the little elf looks the least retarded of all four.

How did the UK end up so ugly, and yet the USA has/had pretty whites, when they came from the UK

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>implying most of your countrymen don't carry those very genes

My entire province is a Scottish and Anglos and some French and I've never seen anyone look like these AI generated freaks

>mounted your daughter
She mounted him.

Britain has the best and worst people on Earth.

Wtf is going on across the pond?

Can someone with any knowledge on the subject tell me whether my theory that the upper and lower classes of the British were definably two separate races?

Hahaha oopma loompas

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Well desu it looks like they are just keeping up with a family tradition.

I wouldn't know what they look like, I'm in the Midwest and we're all germanic gigachads.

it's obvious inbreeding

Wow, what died swimming in their gene pool?

Why do WASPs look better than their British counterparts?

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Island genetics

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Good looking people hate tyrants more than the average blob. Their social self-image is always greater than the beta male control freak trying to rule over them. Have you seen male communists? Anyways, the people who flee tyrants or imperial rule are usually good looking people with self respect.

Half of it is genetics, the other half is eating fastfood after copious amounts of alcohol