How could people stop climate change without resorting to leftist "solutions" such as eating bugs and living in pods?

How could people stop climate change without resorting to leftist "solutions" such as eating bugs and living in pods?
Also, (((Klaus Schwab))) is scum

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Reducing world-wide population by genociding Americans, Chinks and niggers.

climate change is a scam, and carbon emissions are actually a good thing

consoom less bullshit. unironically. a world with less smartphone and more cabinet-makers

You can't stop climate change. It is literally impossible and extremely hubristic to even believe humanity has the power to do such a thing. Regardless, the only environmental problems that are actually existential are the following:
>third-world overpopulation
Climate change is classic Leftist histrionics that is being used as a conveyance for global governance.

climate change will occur with or without human intervention fuckhead

Less people and less pointless consumption.

Christians stand in the way of the first, neoliberals in the way of the second.

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How you niggers ever noticed how at least 90% of those shit fans does not rotate? Another fucking capitalist scam

first, by taking those windmill blades and recycling them into gummy bears and other candy.

By killing all non-whites.

Climate change is bullshit but the answer is obviously nuclear.

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>Reducing world-wide population
Leftist idea
>genociding Americans
Leftist idea
>genociding chinks
>genociding niggers

"climate change" is just a roundabout way of admitting the elites have lost their divine mandate and God will cast them down

Nuclear War between PRC and USA. Bonus point for removing most of Noosphere pollution.

The climate change narrative is fake.
If they really cared we wouldn't be buying cheap disposable goods from China.

>How could people stop climate change
Ignore it and it's gone, just like covid.

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Because "climate change" is fake. Until tptb want to have a serious talk about china, india, and about 3rd world pollution/elevation of lifestyle consuming all the world's excess resources, then idgaf

Global shipping to chase cheaper labour. There's no need to move around the volumes currently moved.

Genocing Americans is ultra-based, because Americans are locust-nation, consoomers. Their removal will help everyone.
Genociding Chinks is meh. Chinese pollute so much because they produce so much, not because they are inherently wasteful like Americans.
Genociding niggers wont do anything, because niggers are practically animals.

you cant stop climate change it is natural faggot

>not because they are inherently wasteful like Americans.
Most of the plastic in the ocean comes from China. They literally just dump plastic into rivers and forget about it as it floats away.

You are a fucking retard. Our rivers in europe are getting dry and dryer with each passing year. More and more forests on fire. Stop posting here faggot

The EU is more cucked than the US, and you know it

>The climate change narrative is fake.
>If they really cared
Its real and they dont care. Their goal is preservation of short term profits, not long term preservation of our people. They only use their narrative, for things they want to do anyway like reducing input costs on labour by decreasing quality of nutrition and housing.

yes, subsistence farming and living would solve most all "man made climate change" issues. not that man mad climate change is the what's going to raise the sea levels and melt the ice caps.

>How could people stop climate change
You can't.
Why would you?
Earth changes, trying to prevent that it is going to cause damage beyond your comprehension.

Just google a list of things you can do. Mainly just don't be wasteful and try to recycle. Normal people aren't the problem, one house with water and electricity and one car isn't going to destroy the earth, it's the powerful people dumping toxic waste in lakes and flying private jets that are fucking everything up, and then those psychos have the nerve to tell the rest of us that we have to do more. Fuck off!

Duckwheat grows in nitrogen rich water. It's the smallest blooming plant and it can be siphoned off and fed to chickens or other livestock. It's very nutritional too.

So the nitrogen life cycle they bitch about is farm animals poop. Nitrogen and other things get released, flows into lakes from runoff. Duckwheat then regulates the levels, blooming when it's high. Then you feed the animals plant matter. Boom nitrogen problem solved by small farmers.

Come on man life without Canada would be way too boring

Putting solar panels in Algerian sahara could be easily done and feed Europe all of it's energy needs

It's called desertec project

I don't know why, but filling the hottest places on earth with dark, heat absorbing material seems a bad idea.

Climate change is pushed by people who have zero understanding of the geological timeline and just want to manufacture more shit (windmills, solar panels, electric cars) while getting fat on government grants. The only way to seriously reduce the human impact on earth is by massive population reduction. The more carbon and minerals that exist in human form, the less will exist in the natural world around us. It really is that simple. Remember in brave new world how they incinerate dead bodies to recollect phosphorous and put it back into the soil?.. recycling of plastics and metals will eventually need to be extended to organic / biological material as well. We can start with chinks, niggers and pajeets.

Most of plastic waste comes from US. They just export it into brown countries (China used to be one of them). And it gets even more obvious when you look at per capita terms, you need to be rich before you can be wasteful.

>Our rivers in europe are getting dry and dryer with each passing year.
>More and more forests on fire
Provide empirical evidence that "climate change" is causing this. It's great in Australia. When we have floods, the media will happily allocate it to La Nina. When we have droughts, it's climate change that will turn Australia into a furnace. Likewise when it's unusually cold or wet in winter, it's all good, but when it's hot in summer we are all doomed. You're being taken for a ride, Mario. They're distracting you from the real issue of millions of third-worlders swarming into your country and consuming your resources.