Cancelled my prime account

Cancelled my prime account

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now you have to wait 1 extra day for shipping


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I assume user is mad at the new LOTR series

Did you tell them it was b/c you hate woke lotr? Because you should have. Remember lads. NO HATE WATCHING

Wait, niggers can buy Amazon Prime with their EBT cards?

Yup that's what I replied

I have to do that anyway. Amazon said I'm too remote for the guarantee.

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>watching streaming shit in the first place
OP being a faggot as usual

heh, op is a little baby beta bitch boy

You don't like free shipping? Common man

Prime isnt free

Even if you're not they miss it all of the fucking time. There's no difference

Prime costs 14.99 a month. Fake and gay.


So brave!

Cancelled mine too. Wasn't worth the money. You have to look at what you spend for it, and how much money it saves you. If you aren't watching films on prime a lot, or doing a lot of free shipping, you are spending more on prime than you are saving. The woke shit just reaffirmed my decision to cancel.

No, but you can get a discount if you prove to them that you are on welfare.
>t. welfare nigger

You mean you didn't cancel after they went full BLM nigger mode after St. Floyd?

Mine was renewing this month and I cancelled too. Not some big political statement I just don't use it enough to make it worth it.
