Why is Ukraine better then Russia?

Can someone explain it to me please?
Personally i am sure they have descent people in russia too.
What do you think?

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Herbs. Go fight imat the front, pig.

Ukraine = Med Bvlls
Russia = nordic cucks

Ukraine is the epicenter of the west fighting for freedom against aggressive dictator putler. everything changes if we lose ukraine.

In the* fucking fat thumbs

It's not. The only reason anyone thinks it is is because of all the jews in power there that assert that it's so great, while they drain the country of all the resources they can, and destroy the moral fabric of said country.

I probably couldn't tell a Russian and Ukrainian apart unless they have it tattooed on their chest
But i don't spend much time in the east and there aren't many Slavs around where i live so i wouldn't know
I do know you guys have a big issue with disagreements over how pan-Slavic unification should be done

How do you feel about russian soldiers torturing ukrainian women and children on purpose?
Do you personally support it?

Shit thread op, you know what that means

Huge amount of the country are unironic Nazis so I give them a pass.

I hate Russians so much its unreal

All Slavs are piece of shit. They're the pariahs of European people

Ukrainians are white. Russians aren't.

Look at Russian's last names. Ali-ov. Muhammed-ov.

How can you not be with a subhuman neighbours like these?
Its merely the question of our survival as white species.


Take it back.
Or i will polacks to stop cleaning your toilets.

Im pretty sure there is not a single decent people left in Ukraine.

you're just polonized russians

yeah exactly

Its the same reason Saskatchewan wants to leave Canada. We're a bunch of Ukrainians living next to sub human scum.

>besides Albertra

Kyivan RUS.
Of course we are russians.
They are not!
Thats the point.
Its like Ahmed calling himself British or french or german.

Personally, i think Russia is just a shitty version of Serbian. Don't get me wrong, both Serbia and Russia are shit, it's just that one of the 2 has nukes. Russia, like Serbia, thinks they were kings and shit, but they really weren't. They, Russia and Serbia, are just insecure faggots, who dont know the size of their dick.

typical jewish pilpul

Shut the fuck up Ahmed.
Noone wants your opinion.

Kzaharia hello???
How stupid can you be?
Stating obvious facts.

Pretty based.
Rate sight on pol from Serbia.
Thank you for sharing.

> Don't get me wrong, both Serbia and Russia are shit,
Russia, Serbia and all other Slavs are shit, buddy.
They're the anchor which prevents Europe to sail further.

Slovenians are lesser evil, tho. They are pretty much Austrians in mentality

Ukrainians are Russians without souls