Why have leftists been pushing so hard for 'walkable cities' lately?

Why have leftists been pushing so hard for 'walkable cities' lately?

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>i HATE walking

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because they dont intend for you to have cars at all

The only "push" I've seen is you reposting this stupid fucking thread twice a day.

Same reason they push feminism and LGBT - depopulation which will help with climate change. Why are white people so dumb?

Do you fucking nigger deserve to vote if you don't know what's going on politically?

Walking is just nicer. Its nicer for kids, the elderly, the poor, and yes, its nicer for me after a night out with my partner. Cars are stupid and hot and they kill people.
Try just walking down your street, then walk back to your door. Nice, right? Fresh air and that gentle early September air. Imagine doing that then walking to a friends house or your job or to run some errands.

Left wingers want to build a better world, right wingers want to build a worse one. That is our fundamental difference

Euroenvy, cause America is bad and shit in their minds.

because the Jews want only the elite to have cars
just another way to feel superior to us
also they won't have traffic to deal with

California said they were banning gas cars, not enough batteries for electric, they want to take our cars bros

How does a "walkable" city impact climate change at all?
Especially in America, emmisions from pretty much every car is more or less negligible, even with their being thousands of cars going at once.

Go to major cities outside of the US and you'll quickly realize how much of a shithole this place is
Actually being able to walk around safely would be a good start

imagine believing this when all your kid will see are immigrant getting stoned.

Because it's a good sounding idea to champion while attaching retarded commie AND plutocrat policies to it. These movements are like mini talmudic religions where you build support and then roll over sane people who dare oppose your cretinous policies beccause it's part of MUH WALKIEBALS, HOW DARE YOU STAND AGAINST WALKIE-WALKIE BY OPPOSING TRANNIE LANES???

I've lived in walkable areas and I didn't see that. But I don't hate immigrants and I don't even hate weed. So

Gotta allow for owner-ocupied residences and storefronts. Gotta allow for freedom of association (segregation). Otherwise it'd just WEF pod life.

Supply logistics is beyond the comprehension of their consoomer mind set.

I'm no climate change alarmist but overconsumption is degenerate. I much preferred living in cities I could walk/bike in than in this giant mutted suburban shithole.

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With a car you can anywhere...

Attached: blade_runner_2049_car.jpg (1500x844, 146.53K)

This would be fine if they ban niggers and gay pride shitlibbery stuff
The main reason people left the cities/are willing to commute for hours to work is to avoid shitskins and shitlibs

Attached: all white towns are gay.jpg (1920x960, 122.57K)


You sound like a loser with too much free time.

Take your pedophile bullshit and get the fuck out my country

>Why have leftists been pushing so hard for 'walkable cities' lately?
Won't this upset the fat fucks (can't walk) that live on social media all day and order food (won't be able to deliver fat fucks food)?

Nazis had walkable cities. Walkable cities are racist.

they're fucking plebs