
I've been prescribed antidepressants, any side effects they don't tell you about? It's the first time ever I'm on some kind of medication. I've heard of other anons saying they fucked them up.

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I hate dangaropa

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Don't take them.

there was some news story recently about antidepressants being more or less placebos. they'll shrink your dick and pacify your mind but they won't get rid of depression. people with depression have a more rational view of the world than others, it's not really a mental illness

>Ive heard of other anons saying they fucked them up.
they worsen your depression. The cure for depression is found from yourself. When I was depressed, I started thinking existentially, then I realized something big. Now, I became stoic.

Antidepressants don't actually work LOL. You'll just be zonked out but they won't fix anything.

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so is there no point in taking them? Should I not and just say I did?

Don't take them. Depression is a made up illness. All psychs are quacks. Psychology was made up by Jews.

I used effexor. I liked the NON extended release.
Shit is awesome.
Everything you do gives you asmr type shit and it feels good to go shit.
Feeling goes away quickly though and you have to keep upping the dose to get the same effect. Nigger doctors don't increase it enough and you eventually plateau.
Then comes the hard part.
Getting off it.
It was hell on earth and the hardest detox i have ever done.
Was bedridden for 3 days.
Still loved that jew medicine. Would probably not do it again.

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Literal bluepills.

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>any side effects they don't tell you about?
Of course. Benzos are for life, if you try to quit you (most likely) die.

Feels good to go do shit*
But shitting felt good too I'm sure.

kill yourself memeflaggot

Its junk meds like the rest of big pharma crap. Just take vitamin d and eat better

very helpful, thank you for your contribution

I dont know for your condition. Is it sever or not, if its sever take your meds. But while doing so, improve yourself greater what your medication can do. Depending on your medicines wont work, thats why you eat something healthy when sick after taking a medicine.

pedo picture, op. no wonder you are depressed about being a pedo

per this post , they are an invention to turn you into an NPC. mental illness is often only defined as an illness to the extent that your mental condition makes it painful and difficult for you to function as a cog in the machine. I don't know your reasons for being depressed, but generally speaking anyone who isn't disturbed by the state of this gay earth is either asleep or a psychopath. these drugs are meant to tranquilize you so you don't think about it, so you can keep turning the satanic jewish gyre.

besides them making you gain weight, consider also that you can become dependent on them if you take them long enough; physically and/or psychologically. quitting antidepressants can be as difficult as shedding an addiction to hard drugs. I would say not to take them under any circumstances, but it's your life; maybe you owe it to yourself to make sure you've attempted healthy living (sun, exercise, good food) and renegotiating your relationship to society (cutting out bad people, maximizing connections to good people, making yourself more independent, cultivating skills, etc). it's a tall order but that's living in clownworld. cope how you need to.

why are you depressed?

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You need psilocybe, friend.

In the middle ages they considered depression a sin. Just realise that it's something people indulge in because they get some sort of perverse pleasure out of being sad all the time.

>side effects
Yes! I have taken six different flavors over the years primarily for OCD. Notables: Increased anxiety. Mania. Increased depression. Delayed orgasm (libido is still there but it takes forever to cum). Decreased libido. Brain zaps. One brand made me constipated all the time. They can help if you find one suitable for you but it's a lottery and if you lose the lottery they make your problems worse.

Why is your "doctor" prescribing you shit that doesn't work?
Why are you thinking about taking something doesn't work?

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>Getting off it.
>It was hell on earth and the hardest detox i have ever done.
Can confirm. It took an entire month for the brain zaps to stop. And that's titrating off slowly, not cold turkey. DO NOT COLD TURKEY.

Yeah, you can literally die cold turkey.

Ween off that crap, you will not be better and you will fry your brain!!!

slice your wrists memeflaggot

the thing is I never felt depressed, family insisted I see a therapist and ended up diagnosed with depression. could it be, dare I say, the jews?

sorry for ruining le based NatSoc board for you fren

you aren't depressed? why are you considering taking them?

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Lmao you got jewed

kill yourself memeflaggot

my therapist suggested I take them claiming they could help me. I never felt like I needed any help though

we've gone full circle

It gets worse than that.

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Sertralin/Zoloft worked for me after trying literally everything else.
Also: slowly calming brain development approaching age 25 helps in regulation of both personality structure and emotional wellbeing

That's just your test levels dropping.

maybe you should flush 'em, then. this guy wants to chemically lobotomize and you say you aren't depressed or need help? he's either evil or frightened.

Haha, couldn't be me!

I would just recommend not doing any recreational drugs while on them. I had one trip that pretty much ruined my outlook on life.

Side effects include either becoming a tranny or committing mass murder