ITS OVER CHUDS. Deep state installed

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Remember when Any Forums tried their hardest to pin Podesta as a pedophile but they couldn't because they're a bunch of retarded schizos

Pray for the children, Skippy is back

Podesta is going to clean the clock of coal rolling chud faggots. I'm looking forward to their seething

that name sounds familiar..

Not this winter, that's for sure.


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who do you work for

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Joe needs Podesta's help getting pizza and walnut sauce.

Doesn't matter. They side with them, they hang

Wasn't he executed via firing squad dying like a bitch?

You vill give up your cars and live in walkable cities
You vill

Meanwhile at the Blue House.

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Any Forums was on the right track but collectively cucked out

this is just brazen at this point, literally zero fucks, this is how stupid and apathetic they think you mutts are
sad thing is, that they are probably right

Based Skippy! Endless far right conspiracies and screeching and he still comes back like a boss.

The only thing that could be more based is if they freed Ghizzy Maxwell from jail and gave her a high position.

except he is a pedophile, and so is his brother

And you're a kike

Lots of upcoming lavish pizza and hotdog parties in the white house for 2023.

he's gonna sit on a bag of $370 billion and decide who gets what. You guys are so in denial over your oligarchic kleptocracy. The whole fucking world sees it and you thing red team is going to solve it still. Grow some balls and get into the streets faggots.

This. They will say you glow but you’re right. Sadly all Americans are cowards and we won’t do shit.

Why is the lead singer of Linkin Park in the Government?

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That’s his dad. Bennington was a pedophile.

it's clear he's a pedo. They vetted kids at Comet Ping Pong and then if they passed they were shipped to guys like Podesta and his brother. Just look at the artwork in his house it's creepy shit