>47% support for independence
>52% support for alberta becoming 51th state

Its fucking happening
Alberta will join America within the decade

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According to who?

After ya’ll made fun of us and called us mutts? Fuck you! Nigger! The only time I’d ever join the military would be if we were invading Canada.


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Alberta is cool. We'll trade you Minnesota for it.

Based now we know where to put all the niggers in.

"Conservatives" in AB/SK/MB are basically American Denver, CO "libertarians" AKA lying faggot liberals.

Fuck off.


Annex mexico too and put niggers there too.

>joining this
Why? Just be an independant nation.

Attached: 1662139101311156.jpg (1024x527, 95.73K)

Online polls are the best way to gather unbiased and totally legit opinions.

It amazes me these things can even talk. Like going to the Zoo man.

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>Alberta sick of canadas authoritarian bullshit
>joins the US right as their authoritarian bullshit is getting states to want to cede
>right as that happens Alberta is either stuck with the US or Canada

>land route to alaska

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America does not want you leaf faggots.

yes it does, Alberta has cheap oil and plenty of it

It says -52% which means 24% for and 76% against THOUGH
I swear youre all retarded


fuck that. trade washington state instead.

I welcome my bros

Make MB SK AB a country of it's own and live off the oil with american style constitution minus women voting. Better than joining the Jewsa who will only add niggers and messicans

Neither will you leaf


It's horrible here, though. Unless Alberta is full of black transsexuals they will be sadly disappointed with their choice. Maybe they can become part of Greater Idaho?

No thanks. Fuck canada if America wanted we could take all of canada. Leafs are cowards.

I'm impressed with the BC numbers here. A serious politician could convince the rest.

We're building a nuke with all that LNG money retard adios mutt

Alberta goes over the top and it'll happen.

Something very fascinating someone pointed out is that each province in BC is actually it's own legal entity internationally. No joke take a look at this.

Fucking weird. There's only two pages and every Canadian province has its own entry. I'm guessing because Canada really is a confederation and not a federation.

>According to who?
Polling Canada, the survey company.

> net support for X
> negative percentages

I don't think you're reading these numbers correctly, big guy. Negative % suggests more people oppose the measure than support it.

Actually I think you're right, odd way to put it.

This shockingly shows 69% of Albertans want the West to leave Canada. That's absolutely devastating to the Laurentian parasites.

Well good luck. 3 years for citizenship for immigrants now and the two major cities' schools are full of little brown shits. It's over in a decade if things don't move forward very quickly.

>join the US
Such a cringe polling option that reveals the entire thing as a joke

I think the implication is things are moving very quickly. Our leadership being owned by a malicious foreign entity no longer being a whackjob conspiracy theory spread like wildfire.

No, it doesn't. What's telling you is that the % that opposes each measure is bigger than the % that supports it.

For example -31% could mean:
10% support
41% opposite
-31% net

30% support
61% opposite
-31% net

no matter what the underlying numbers are, it's not good news for your position

>if America wanted we could take all of canada
You losers can’t control shit within your own borders. Your tranny army would be decimated by…. Fucking leafs kek

Sure you are faggot. Canadians are cowards simple as. Go honk your horn somewhere else.

That was the least likely option. With Biden and his handlers at the helm no one in there right mind would want to be tied to the US right now (no offense intended).

>Alberta goes over the top
UN 'protectorate' when

Fuck off, we don't want alberta, it sounds like a tranny named albert who is failing to pass.

>Alberta will join America within the decade
I believe it. Unlike Quebec they have actual real grievances and, unlike Quebec the country hasn't always been run by people from Alberta. We need an entire Western secession movement, with the Yukon/BC/Sask and Alberta forming an entirely separate country based on Western settler/American gold miner heritage and not Francophone/Great Lake faggotry.

True. I just thought I'd coax a whitepill out of you and you delivered.

>Its fucking happening
>Alberta will join America within the decade
Fucking based, now you can jail all the WEF/Klaus Schwab puppet traitors

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All offenses intended americans are liberals since their founding


I always wanted to go fishing in but I got a DUI when I was in high school so I can't enter.

You’re lucky we aren’t interested in conquering you fags

> Go honk your horn somewhere else

I can't believe you've done this.

It says in the picture. Research Co did an online poll of 700 Albertans.

its a thing that is commonly talked about when discussing provinces going independent because a lot of naysayers say that a province would not be able to last on its own long and would end up joining america. Some people are saying, fuck it maybe its better that way anyways.

Fuck off we're full. Good luck with independence though.

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More people shit on my street

Hi. what's Alberta? what goes on there and what's it really like? their economy, people, culture, politics, demographics, religion, etc...

fuck you! i dont American nigger gangs and fucking ms-13 in Alberta. you fucking retards.