Why don't you work at an adult daycare and make six figures?

There are so many people out there working amazing office jobs providing you free 3 meals per day + snacks + happy hour and office parties 90% of the day and getting paid SIX FIGURES, yet you're out here working a $40K income job. Why did you choose this lifestyle? What's the point of picking the harder job?
You people confuse me.

Right now, I'm working from home in my AMAZING tech job making $150K/year, and I'm only 25!!! I finished my job within the first 15 minutes of the day and now I'm here telling you all about my AMAZING TECH JOB!!!

I WFH 3 days per week. When I'm in the office, I barely touch my computer. I'm hanging out with my work buddies and eating free food.
This is how people should live life. You shouldn't be out there doing manual labor or grinding on a spreadsheet 8 hours a day!

Attached: 3f73dd776f344d9881bce35fba4c5f25-2-2.webm (576x1024, 2.02M)

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Why is it always gooks

>adult daycare
you mean a hotel? what is adult daycare

Because they're smart enough to realize what the better lifestyle is.
You're too dumb and thought making $40K slaving away outdoors 12 hours a day would make you happy. Now you're full of regret and rage.

Hope your children make better choices than you do; that's if any woman would want a manual laborer making $40K. lulz


Attached: E8C0ADE4-CA3C-4829-9B86-C0AAE77BAB13.jpg (1024x765, 111.56K)

No, it's an adult daycare.
You get free food, free drinks, partying and fun activities!!! And you get paid six figures for it!

Attached: y57qoeddxuv51.jpg (960x540, 107.93K)

I do, I work in tech. used to work in a high rise downtown, now I work from home making about 125k, zero commuting expenses, work about 3 hours a day max.

Not shown: any actual work.

Do you take pride in making your boss wealthier? You sound like a cuckboy.

these people exist as tax breaks and are just waiting to be liquidated by their own companies

I work as consultant too but I have to do actual work, because someone has to make all the money that cunt is taking home

Low IQ people have to use their hands to make a living

Here's another video showing the AWESOME lifestyle of working at an adult daycare.

Attached: 38b2278748164e23ad2e7fbfbddd20c4-2-2.webm (576x1024, 1.59M)

I've always read Plato chided him saying, "If you would just pay tribute to Dionysius, you wouldn't need to wash vegetables" Diogenes replied, "If you would help me wash these vegetables, then you would not need to pay tribute to Dionysius." It's the same thrust, but makes you wonder how many quotes are actually misappropriated.

I've seen 5 of these videos and every single one was an Asian girl....with a Chinese surname

I did the cushy adult daycare job and it drove me fucking bonkers. now I'm a lineman and laugh hysterically at the 'useless eaters' who freak tf out and break down crying whenever something mildly goes wrong and they need us. also, a lot of those positions have shit benefits and the second you get actually sick all that funny money gets gobbled up by the system

>Why is it always gooks
not for long, the new thing is to ban whites and asians from Big Everything:

Attached: 16663864865836548364586345.jpg (1714x1664, 529.91K)

I work 99.9% from home in a tech job and earn 110k/year but I am insanely fucking busy and get NO snacks or parties and eat soup for lunch.

help bros, i only make 95k and my wfh is being reduced to 2 days a week. i do public cloud sre / incident handling in a huge company. think i could do better elsewhere, maybe try to shift into cyber or something else?

>what is adult daycare
OP means that office jobs are superfluous, and ultimately nothing buy daycare centers for adults.
OP is correct; most office jobs are just "busywork" and do not serve an actual useful purpose.
As the economy collapses, and white-collar workers become unemployed, they will suffer because they have no real-world skills.

That sucks, friend.

I'm making $150K and every day is a vacation.
I spent 15 minutes emailing people this morning and now I've been away from my laptop for 5 hours.

My job unironically consists of handing out gibs.

consultant is code for prostitute

Max out your investment vehicles and retire early. If you're in your 20s it is achievable.

Although 50% of the time I'm busy cleaning up the mess other people made.

Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

Death to kikes


I've made over $2 million from TSLA. I'm just plowing everything I make into TSLA.

I don't think I'll retire. I love my adult daycare job. It's like free money.

Listen to this audio as you watch those webms:

>why aren't you letting Mr Shecklestein woo you into destroying your body and soul with worthless paper money??