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not enough hate if you ask me. should be deep frying them alive, but true justice is hardly ever served.

>*votes Blue No Matter Who*

how much are you ping pongs paying niggers to stage these hate crimes


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What demographic is brutalizing Asians again?

>stop beating us

Look man, I'm not going to handicap myself so you can win at CSGO, you're just going to have to suck it up or cheat like the rest of the Chinese players.

The nigs are on twitter bro

Not my problem

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The same one these gutless bug motherfuckers are too afraid to call out.

White people are so cruel.

So niggers attack Asians and Asians blame trump? Wow I hate Asians now

jews did it

>m-my master told me to avoid unnecessary fights

i dont relax

Wrong board, wrong site, we are white men, you want to address the niggers attacking Asians. They dont post here. Try twitter.


Stop beating me?
Come at me you white niggers and niggers
I'm armed to the teeth and carrying my Glock 19 everyday wishing a white nigger would start a mass shooting around me so I can Elijah Dicken that white nigger. Let niggers be niggers and let white niggers be white niggers. My fimger is always on the trigger with a smile, you fucking white nigger.

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whites aren't beating you up, chinky, it's niggers, now give me a side of extra rice with my chicken, alright?

Maybe you should stop voting for people who pay the people who beat you? Just a thought.

ok, but only because you said please. Today is the last day I'll beat an asian person, you've got my promise.

STFU you white nigger. You are not my ally. You white niggers would start mass shootings just because you can't get your way and mah poor white nigger race boo hoo hoo. Fuck you. Get ready to get Elijah Dicken'd, you white nigger. You are just as same as the niggers.

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