What the Fuck is this Crazy Stage Shit?

This looks like some shit from a movie where the United States has fallen into some hellish dictatorship.

Attached: FbnNllEaUAU4lBF.jpg (600x600, 34.34K)

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That’s the point

His hands look really small in this picture.

Well it did. Guns are meant to be used btw

they no longer need to pretend they actually got elected. They got away with it. From here on out they can do whatever they want.

So is his goal to get Republican turnout to 100%?
Can't see independents all that enthused to support someone that demands ideological purity or be declared an enemy of the State either.
When someone tells you they are going full on Big Brother you damn well better believe them.

>So is his goal to get Republican turnout to 100%?

voting is a scam, anything they (they meaning every single politician that exists) do to make you think the struggle is one that has to do with voting is a way that they (they meaning liberal capitalists) can stay in power, because no matter who you vote for you are voting for one of them.

The worse things get the more showy they will become, the more they want to trap people inside the fantasy battleground they provide you so nothing ever changes.

This is part of some plan.
They want you to see this.
They expect “audience interaction.”

Unironically a great speech and it’s awesome how angry/scared wignats on this board are after Biden jacked their wannabe aesthetic

Nothing is beyond our reach

Oh noes I have become demoralized and shall not votenow. Thanks wise user.

It must be frustrating to be so impotent . I do admire your pluck though. Even though you are pushing rope you still try to fuck.
Keep fighting the good fight .

Tiny hands Biden!

Don't be ablist, bigot.

He's deliberately invoking Hitler and 1984 imagery in an attempt to demoralize you into "doing something."

Let him keep digging himself deeper. Even CNN was taken aback by it because he's becoming more and more desperate to trigger some sort of violent reaction against him BEFORE he does anything. He wants to be the defender of liberty and law.

POWERFUL psyop, OP. Posting demoralizing and hypnotically typed messages over and over again has really radicalized me. You are like a master class spy. It is not obvious at all, and I can’t recognize it in all media and social posting online. I haven’t noticed that all YouTube videos and talk shows have people talking in the same hypnotic way alternating intonation and ending on the same high note, and I haven’t noticed all rappers rapping in the same pattern, making it into some hypnotic trash instead of music. I am ready to do your bidding. Team blue, team red, whichever you prefer. Let’s go Brandon! MIGA CHUDS, it’s over! The vax dieoff!

Back to watching my racially motivated movies and shows on Netflix, where every show is about the family hating the dad, all men are stupid and need to be bossed around by women, and children don’t follow or respect men. By the way, I hate my dad, and I never want kids!

Early onset leprosy

What did Biden say in his speech?

Attached: 1634914997488.jpg (509x339, 17.81K)

Not seeing much fear. Should thank Jor for driving turnout though.
I imagine he just saved Oz in PA. Anyb Republican on the fence just hopped off and are getting fired up to stop facism from taking over.

Hes a senile rambling old man so it doesn't really work

Republican turnout could be 100% and they would still win. Don't you get it yet? They can just target certain counts with rampant fraud in each state to guarantee flipping the state no matter how other counties vote.

Dark brandon was literally a fed meme and they are investing energy and time into making it work, lol.
Same with Biden yelling at the camera and being all 'strong' recently.

Mutts are gutless cowards
2020-2022 confirmed this beyond all doubt
Too fat,too soft,too weak,too selfish,too greedy,too gutless to do one solitary thing about the anarcho-tyranny they live under
And all this while being the most heavily armed population in world history
Truly pathetic
>inb4 muh paki/loicense
Get new material zogmutt niggers. The fact you HAVE guns but refuse to USE them makes you the biggest cowards and pussies of all

The heckler threw him off as well.

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Dark Brandon is dangerously BASED!

>get 100% republican turn out
>rig election so dems win anyway
>Americans become completely distrutful of democracy
Wild times ahead.

Ok Satan/Agent

>where the United States has fallen into some hellish dictatorship.
that's because it has. this piece of shit was never elected.

Basically that miga freaks lost and they need to get over it.

Someone on his staff must be a big C&C fan

Agree 100%. Insightful post.

I don't have the energy to do this shit anymore. Yeah I know, haha the funny Trump thing they were doing years ago.
the rules aren't the same for us as they are for them.
The response isn't "haha he has tiny hands just like you said about Trump"
That's just playing their game with their rules.

that's because it's from reality where the United States has fallen into some hellish dictatorship.

>This looks like some shit from a movie
Name The Movie.
I'll start.
Dork Brandon and The Rise Of The Inbred Sith.

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I agree, I heckin LOVE Brandon

When did Any Forums become what they hate

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>youre sure to change things this time! ;^)

Holy crap I am now more demoralized than before. I am vanquished by your towering intellect.

Gotta hand it to these tards. They are either plucky as hell or well paid.

>So is his goal to get Republican turnout to 100%?
And the point of that?
He's just admitted criminality (near enough) but nothing will be overturned.
And they will repeat the same next time, "of course we didn't cheat).

Thank you sir, I appreciate your opinion of my post.

How old are you, baby?
Too old for me, sorry sweetie.
- Joe "Pedo Peter" Biden circa 2022

Senile old pedo shakes fist and screeches to a dystopian backdrop while reading a script written by jews targeting heritage founding stock Americans as domestic enemies number one
Mutts will continue to do nothing

What are the bets on Biden becoming the first dicator of the USA or whatever it'll be? Are bookies keeping an eye on that or in how many years? Would be a great mood barometer.

>just keep doing nothing, that's how you win
This is a very tiresome attitude

Jonestein has been harping on this for months: The Dems are trying to provocateur the right into terrorism. False Flags incoming before the midterms.

someone just game end this retard on minecraft already

No problem sir, have a good day sir.

They ran with the 'dark biden' meme.

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>When did Any Forums become what they hate
There are a lot of Bunkertroon refugees here from the Kiwi Farms Civil War.

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americans are pussies and incapable of wielding violence
nice meme lighting and stage though

It honestly reminded me of the scene in The Last Jedi where the weird looking dude kills Snope or whatever. After fighting all the Sith Praetorian guard things with the no-tit coke whore Bong girl.

Go ahead, Gaston. Liberate your failed country with your guns. Oh.. wait..

The (((Great Reset)))

As the officers handbook for the Russian Federation states in the 2022 edition:

"The Russian Army is the last bastion against the Satanic World Order"

It's about controlling the moral high ground in the eyes of the public.

>americans are pussies and incapable of wielding violence
Americans are the most hesitant to use violence but the most effective in using it.

Imagine being so mad about nazis that you literally become nazis.

The ranked voting scheme got revealed a little earlier thaan they would have liked.
Now that the clusterfuck it creates has been shown it is no longer viable for stealing elections.
Other than that the left won't have the opportunity to steal them going forward.

Pedo Joe sniffs them. If they smell like 9 or older he moves on.

>nooooooo don't do anything guise nooooo
>keep doing literally nothing while jews and niggers feast on the rotting corpse of the USA while targeting Whites for persecution and replacement
You deserve what you get

How do you think "HE" is doing it? He doesn't know WTF he's talkin about, his handlers manipulate the puppet.


That's what they want. Don't take the bait.

simple is better when alerting the folk to the threat within

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Chancellor Sutler

It was funny when someone was yelling "Lets Go Brandon!!!". Also we are a republic (republicans) not a democracy (democrat).

>They ran with the 'dark biden' meme.
More like Dork Biden

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>Also we are a republic (republicans) not a democracy (democrat).

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Chuds quaking in their diapers in this thread.

Doesnt matter if Republican turnout is 100% when you get 130%voter turnout at 4am

Any Forums for the entire last year
>Dark Maga so based omg they aren't ready for Caesar Trump and the subsequent purge
Brandon uses some ominous lighting

Rightoids grow a spine and stand your ground challenge (impossible)

looks like he's jerking off 2 bbc behind him

>Americans are the most hesitant to use violence but the most effective in using it.
Holy cope batman
You're gutless blowhard faggots who do nothing but cope online with your pathetic macho preening
Your competence at violence is limited to massively outgunned sand niggers or unarmed inlaws and ex-boyfriends over petty disputes

You'll use your guns in just two more weeks.

Why aren't you liberating your country with your guns?

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He said every MAGA tard will have to be castrated by federal law

>He wants to be the defender of liberty and law.
They are already ramping up their vitriolic language against MAGA Americans where thye will be able to say their actions of rounding up first the most vocal MAGA Americans and imprisoning them is "to protect American Democracy". After that come the camps for the rest of us.

Republicans are in pretty good shape.
Have Gerrymandered a permanent House majority for the next 8 years.
Tge Supreme Court is about to give State Legislatures near total control of elections. This will give Republicans a lock on the Presidency.
They are two cycles away from calling and ratifying a Concention of States. They will repeal the 17th Amendment. This will give them a permanent super majority in the Senate.

Soon enough you will be correct in that voting won't matter. Just not in the way you expected.

Reminds me of the CIA new graphics redesign.

Attached: 20200104_CIA_3x2.jpg (800x600, 77.32K)

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they got baited so hard, absolutely devastating.

should have been like "lol sleepy joe what a fag" but now they're actually leaning into the "WE ARE NOW THE OPPRESSED MINORITY" angle.

it is so over.

It’s utterly amazing how terrified you guys are of ranked choice voting because you know when everyone’s vote counts you have no chance of winning

>cucked german simping for zogmutts
Disappointing Hans

It’s cropped and color adjusted to make it look darker and more “spoopy”. This is a manipulative tactic to psy-op you.

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Red on black.

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maybe its time for me to go get a job with the CIA

Do whatever you want, but I'm not wrong. He's trying to bait out an attack before he actually does anything serious enough to warrant a full-scale civil war.

You can do as he wishes and give kikes the ability to frame all his future actions as "defending our democracy" OR you can wait until the midterms to see what kind of steal they try to pull. 17 states have implemented stricter voting laws to combat what happened in 2020, and the midterms are on a state-by-state level.

Watch the tallying and record it if you can; you'd be shocked how many people think the 2020 election was cheated. Turns out that watching this idiot embarrass himself and all of us while making life worse all around makes people question if he REALLY belongs there.

Kamala, are we the baddies?

I like how the shadowy marines in the background had only their shiny white gloves visible, standing beside the two pillars, with a big circle above bisected by angles

The whole thing looks thoroughly Masonic to me, which doesn't surprise me as this took place in Philadelphia, which is a Mason Mecca in the U.S.

The pillars are Boaz and Jachin, but last night they were Biden and Joeseph lol

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It's almost as if flooding the country with immigrants had an effect on voting patterns nigger

He was making fun of Americans for having guns but not using them, Nigel.

>do domestic terrorism
Glow harder niggers. We will all do nothing, including you faggots, until forced to do so. The West is the most cucked it has ever been and that is unlikely to change.

>being this retarded
Republicans have nothing to do with Republics and Democrats have nothing to do with Democracy.
In the early 1800s the Democratic-Republican Party was formed to rival the Federalists and has since splintered off into two different parties despite the fact that they're originally from the same party. Democrats and Republicans also only give guise of being two different parties by having different beliefs on domestic issues but they're the exact same in regards to foreign affairs

>So is his goal to get Republican turnout to 100%?

And then win anyway.

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What are you talking about you mouth breathing assblasted retard?


Are you brown?

>reeeeee demoncrats, baby killers, communists, stolen election, fuck Joe biden let's go Brandon reeeeeee!!!
>waaaahhhhh meanie biden called out our bullshit

Cope and sneed losers

They’re trying to incite a civil war

He said the rest of the republican party damn well better finish off getting subverted and the rest and gonna be labeled as terrorist and dealt with. He threw in some centrist populism and stuff about gay people, that was pretty much the entire speech.

Hail Satan!

>looks like

John Carpenter's Escape From Philadelphia

Any system that is designed to disenfranchise voters is an affront to democracy. The good news is it is done and only has to be ripped out of two States. Alaska is already working on the Legislation in the State Congress to replace it.

Have an updoot, faggot

no, I am white.
from Irish stock on my mother and father's side
I traced my ancestry back, its all Irish in America back to 1774

>Y-Youre a glownigger
You cuckservatives are the biggest faggots on the planet. el em ay oh


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right, but trying to maintain the high ground by saying "they fired first!"
They wish Jan 6 was worse than it was, which is why they hype it up, but really only lefties claim Jan 6 was any threat to anything

>it's a good thing for foreigners and uneducated lazy retards to vote!
>i want people to vote who are too unenthusiastic that they never bothered to register to vote or get an ID card before voting day!
Imagine unironically calling this a good thing.

>This looks like some shit from a movie where the United States has fallen into some hellish dictatorship.
I mean, It is a jew run production after all.

My God. You people are so out of touch.
This is the biggest blackpill I've had in my life.
I realized that conservatives will lose because they will never do anything. They're too afraid of the glow, losing their job, losing the moral highground, going through process, and other shit. They overthink, think that Biden is baiting, that you need to win hearts and minds, whatever
Leftists just do stuff

Liberals are allowed to threaten voters and spread unfounded lies about political parties they don't agree with.

18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters

Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, at any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing such candidate, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Liberal companies are allowed to fire any employee that has a differing political opinion or if their skin color is white. It's not illegal to promote crimes against political groups you don't agree with, as long as you are progressive and exclaim you are morally superior than the legal system.

Covering up Hunter Bidens laptop story is a concealing a crime for the purposes of influencing an election.

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but you're gonna fucking die if you oppose me

>when you get 130%voter turnout at 4am
And not a single court will do a fucking thing about the obviously corrupt 130% turn out either

>cuckservatives are cucks el o el
>biggest cuck on Any Forums
Big words for a do nothing burger

Trumpanzees: we literally want to overthrow the government and kill all blacks, LGBT, and latinos
Biden: I want to stop them from doing that, by force if necessary
Trumpaznees: wtf so divisive! so much for the tolerant left!

>give kikes the ability to frame all his future actions as "defending our democracy"
Kikes are doing that anyway and will continue to do so whatever happens you smooth brained gutless faggot
>you can wait until the midterms to see what kind of steal they try to pull.
2 more weeks eh? Yeh I'm sure kiked cuckservatives will fix your problems. Grow up and face reality
>you'd be shocked how many people think the 2020 election was cheated
No shit. It was BLATANT fraud of historic proportions. You held a boomer protest and expected "LEVEL COMPLETE" to flash up by waltzing around the Capitol taking selfies. Then Trump strolled off into the sunset but not before pardoning a bunch of niggers and jew fraudsters rather than his own supporters.