Who was in the wrong?

who was in the wrong?

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the ugly screaming bitch

The woman

Doubt it


>be american
>take out the trash
>get shot

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>Get invited to take a swing. Took a swing. Get shot.
See, this is false advertisement. What invite someone to take a swing if you are shooting him afterwards?

Also long story short, this wasn't self defense. Self defense requires 5 elements and those dumpster defender ignored RESONABLENESS. You simply can't create a mutual combat situation and then claim self defense. The whole reason behind self defense is to do it AS A LAST RESORT OF DEFENSE. If you invite someone to a fight, you are not in reasonable fear of death of serious bodily injury. Especially if you have a deadly force weapon ready, saying "take your swing" is not a reasonable fear.

Also let's face it, WEHRE IS THE INNOCENCE? You can't say "take your swing" and then say that you are innocent. It is clear that an objective person wants a fight. You are not trying to evade danger, you are literally initiating the fight and therefore innocence is gone. YOU NEED TO STEP BACK OR SHOW A REASONABLE WAY TO END THE FIGHT before you get your innocence back. THIS NEVER HAPPENED.


Their trial was in August, what came of it?


The faggot meth junkie who kept dumping his trash in the alley and didnt give a shit about his community. The world is better off with him dead.

They should of shot the whore also. Saved everyone the trouble and made the kids loves better.

The basedboy faggot dumping trash in someone else's access.

The fat retards with a gun looking for excuses.

A new date has not been scheduled, but the Millers are expected to go on trial in early 2023, court officials said.

Nothing. Postpone again. The charges should be drop at this point.

Fuck you, Faggot

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Fat rednecks took out the trash who was dumping it all over the property. It was self defense, okay.

From what I keep hearing, they might be fucked.

>throw away trash in neighbors door
>neighbor gets angry and tells you to fuck off
>come back with a baseball bat while wife is filming
>neighbor has guns, decides to assault them anyways
>get shot
The father and son are innocent.

You think they will be dropped?

Methhead and his wife

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The jews

I don't know the laws where this happened, but the 2 fatties seemed calm and collected despite having to deal with that rage freak living next door. I don't believe deadly force was necessary but everyone has their limit as to how much shit you can take before you risk going insane. Give them a year each in prison seems reasonable.

you would have to be dumb to defend these fat retards. they clearly murdered the guy and should both be executed

Do you think the state should be allowed to murder people that defend themselves from physical violence?

I guess you could argue that the violence used wasn't proportional to the threat they perceived... But killing them for being too drastic?

Two unlikely heroes rose to the occasion and like their ancestors before them confronted evil straight on and with no mercy.

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