Zigger bros, we got too cocky

>Kherson counter offensive is gaining ground
>economy is getting squeezed
It's over...

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problem is that China and India won't care. This will also fuck over Saudie's who won't be happy with their american slaves.

>Kherson counter offensive is gaining ground


rules and regulations fall apart when people stop being cordial and start getting real.. this is the real world war: 3

Why are you laughing? The right bank is literally getting cut in half as I'm posting.

> cap oil prices
Gladly Russia has market economy and can just say no to communist price capping.

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in fact, kherson copefensive is doing so great the western media now has completely stopped talking about it and will memoryhole it completely by the end of this week.

>2 weeks

>The right bank is literally getting cut in half as I'm posting.
Azovchenko would be proud

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It's so the West can start to import Russian oil again by claiming in public that they only pay the reduced price, while they pay market price plus a bonus under the table.

You'll get the full market price + a bonus to pretend you sold it at capped prices.

First line of defence on the way to Kakhovka dam is broken, springboard established, can't do anything about it. The push continues despite all the ruaf bs about gorillion personell killed and tanks destroyed. Already half way there. When it reaches the Dnieper, your right bank posessions will be cut in half and literally thousands blocked with only one way out is through river on boats. It's over. You got too cocky. After Kherson crush, the humiliation and demoralization will be too much.

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does the west even look at shit being said anymore? the whole continent is going to tear their limbs out

Supply and Demand has entered the chat

the saddest part of ukronigger delusions is that they've being placed by people across the atlantic, who won't need to live through the consequences.

>Kherson counter offensive is gaining ground

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truly. when they announced men 18 years and older could no longer leave Ukraine it honestly changed me and made me magnitudes more bitter. that our corrupt governments would let it go that far just for the sake of opportunity and call it justice. Our governments are lost.

>Kherson counter offensive is gaining ground
>Economy is getting squeezed

Russian crude will continue to be sold to India and China, who will continue to sell it to natofags at a markup. OP is a retarded faggot for thinking this is a good idea whatsoever

lmao you hohols are extinct ahahahaha

>hohol coping

no cap

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>the humiliation and demoralization will be too much
Were you also one of the ones saying you'd be in Moscow in a week back in April?

Why didn’t the first round of energy sanctions work, OP? How are Russian exports at their lowest levels in years but Gazprom just forked over 3.2 billion dollars to the Russian government?

Why hasn’t LiveUAmap been updated with all of this then? Those guys are usually very pro-Ukrainian