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wow why are they against freedom???


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hey chuds we should start pretending to be leftists

Am confused are they not the same idiots who voted for green everything?

I believe you're confused. This is not leftypol, stupid twink.

I'm down with this, I'd protest regardless of affiliation.

>the left opposes the current coalition more active than any other group
sad but the image of lefties is tainted with trannies though

>Leftists not being giant dick sucking faggots for once
Truly the end times.

Run an extension cord to the unemployed somalis mansion. Then everyone gets free electricity.

Yes, we here Support the killing of white europeans for the benefit of globohomo, the military Industrial complex, and energy industry all while regular white workers wollte have to pay the tap. So fucking based right? #Iwillpayforeukraine

die linke? I thought putin bad?

Leftists are the only ones that protest, any right wing protest is very pathetic or infiltrated by feds, or fully conformed by feds.

I thought this is what they wanted. Green energy. Maybe they can burn euros for heat this winter

>leftists shuts down their own nuclear power plants
>leftists cries that it's actually muh nazis fault

many such cases

Nooooooooo, you can't protest, everyone protesting the goverment is a fascist or a Nazi, sometimes both!


Why do they want to kill him?

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>We will not tolerate any right-wingers or Nazis in these protests
Read it very carefully and answer me, are you a leftypol tourist or not?

Well, they rarely shut down, counter protest or false flag left wing protests. If you want to protest something pretend to be a leftie (imagine the smell)

Kek I look forward to it.

The most effective tool of the government here is to immediately denounce everything that is even remotely critical of a government decision as nazi/right wing.
If the leftmost faggots on the spectrum start protesting now it'll be much harder to brand them as right wing as they do with regular people doing legitimate protests.

Worst case scenario they'll have overestimated their control and get pushback from the left, best case scenario some people on the left realize that not everyone protesting the government is right wing and the group not tolerating shit will be even larger. Either way I'll enjoy the carnage.

yes. protest with them and start shit with the cops then bug out and enjoy watching leftybois get beaten by cops

Except they're the ones responsible for the increase in cost of electricity and gas.
>Pro Ukraine
>Anti Nuclear
>Pro carbon tax
>Pro """green""" power
>Pro EVs
>Anti IC engines and cars
>Anti fossil fuels
It's like they shit in the pool and now they're demanding someone to clean it.

Nah, these are commie.

Ironic of them to demand this as they are the first to scream nazi to everything they dont like, lets see how it goes, the goverment already denounced any protests and probably got the nazi demonstrant propaganda written out ready for the press

Die Link and the Green Party about to slug it out in Germany.

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A win win for all

Time to return to your tradition German bros

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Why is it always the Far-Left supporting Russia?

Useful idiots that have outgrown their purpose. I’d almost feel bad for them if they didn’t deserve every bit of it

>protesting your own policies

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