Average life span of an autistic person is only 36 years

>average life span of an autistic person is only 36 years.

What are the political implications of this?

Attached: autism-written-in-blocks-4d81a729a2804145882dfb9ba9d06470.jpg (535x401, 38.2K)

it depends on the degree of retardation.

that eugenics are in fact executed and are in full effect.

Less suffering, but also less time to be as great as Hitler or Pol Pot

Some people on Any Forums claims autists are basically next level evolved better humans. So next level humans supossed to live only 36? Is that so called autistic "gift" LMAO

Average life expectancy in cambodia was 18 so we live doubble of that, too long if you ask me

They're talking about high functioning autists. Low functioning autists are basically useless.

Autism is a Munchausen by proxy rebranding of Cluster B personality disorders, I wouldn't call it evolution

>Low functioning autists are basically useless.
Nah. Low function is chad.

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>just four more years and i'll be free

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How severe of autism? Because I'm about 5 years out. I'm also left-handed, so that shaves off even more years. Autism bros, am I gonna die?

Low functioning autistics are actual retards. The guy in your pic rel seems like high functioning.

I...I'm 36!

What is a low functioning autist ? do you mean the retards who can barely speak and cannot put on a mask to look normal ?

Pretty much lol. I think high functioning means >90iq. Basically people that have the capability to lead independent lives. Low functioning autistics are the kids in the special ed class who just drool and moan, and can't communicate.

>Put on a mask to look normal
Autism is being a pathological liar and avoiding Individuation

Apparently high functioning is >70iq. Defined by lack of intellectual disability. It's more a social disability.

pretty sure the highest morbidity for young autists is suicide, it's not as if people who are high functioning, i.e. asperger, die younger from thin air.

Because they are assigned a new gender then kill themselves

Yeah. Depends on the number of vaccines and how badly they react to them.

How so? Roughly 23 years of sexual maturity is plenty of time to breed.

Autistic people can't get laid because they're not only retarded but insufferable

It is quite bizzare how big of a difference there is a between an autist and an autist. One needs special care basically through his entire life and the other one wants to spend his life watching trains, tanks or conquer the world.
And wanting to be left alone most of the time

Yeah high functioning autists are fine, they're hard to deal with sometimes, but low functioning autists are actually subhuman.