Was it worth it?

was it worth it?

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so sad

For americans, yes .

Shut you don’t feel friends don’t hurt friends.

kek putin appreciates their sacrifice

The served their country and now dine in Valhalla. Of course it was worth it.


russia is safe from ukraine nazis now
so yes dying to fight crazy right wing nazis is always a great way to die

nah they are in Hel with the rest of non-humans

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How am I coping, I'm not the one dying lol

the only place they ended up is in a back alley after they got shat out by a stray dog

that's the place for nord people, not for slavs

I think you got things mixed up. Once a Russian person is dead they are reborn in Russia as a punishment

Denazification was worth everything.

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Is that a bottle of wine? Do slavs really die next to a bottle of fucking alcohol


some insider joke.

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You're a fucking moron. Slavs go straight to hell.

Lazy slavniggers sleeping in wine-puddle during work.

Its strange how quick men are willing to waste their life for nothing.
I'm almost 25 and I'm afraid to die because of how many years I've put into life to become an engineer. All the hard work would be for nothing if I died for nothing.

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they would fit in well here

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where the fuck do you think Russian people are being born?

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Their sacrifice is probably going to save Russia from even more trouble in the future. If we didn't start this operation, then Ukraine could have been even bigger pain in the ass in 4 to 8 years. For now they helped to defuse this anti-Russian bomb in Ukraine, even if they died, i salute their heroic spirit, their noble service to my country.

the Ladas alone were worth it

t. retard choking on his criminal government's propaganda

man, just have as much sex as you can, spread your gene all over the world, your DNA will be carried by your kids, so you wont feel that bad about death

zogbot detected. the soldiers in russia don't volunteer to get raped & die for jewish interests, unlike you burgers

>wastes his life to be a wagecuck

>let me work it
>i put my thang down, flip it and reverse it
>ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i

I like how the goalposts moved from "Russia is all powerful" to "Ukraine is peer" to "Ukraine is more powerful". It's as Russia loses this conflict and tries to work out why.

Still better than being a piggie in hohlandia lmao.


>The served their country
yeah bro. russia is now better, they sure saved russia by invading, raping, stealing and killing other slavs :^)

true russian heros

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not rly user.

i mean it is russians who steal toilets.

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Dude are you dumb ukraine Wil likely win on a long scale and join eu and nato. Finland and sweeten are now in nato. Belarus staying friendly to ru isn't even 100% on the scale of years.

Sad brothers, white men being pushed into Jew meat grinder.

Not really .this conflict has taught me that russia is a lie anD ukraine is superior ethically and morally.

>noble service to my country.
truly a nation to die for.

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I guess the same question could be posed to the Ukrops

>We can kill your narod and you CANT, hear me? CANT fight back
Shut up, jeuro

Yeah they did for the future of Russia. Sooner or later the overwhelming pressure would have destroyed Russia. Georgia, Chechnya, Ukraine. They all were wars to secure a future for Russian children.

Nobody said anything about them being powerful, they are still the same 85IQ mongoloid mutts without any real country language morals or even ethnicity.
They are a gateway for NATO to threaten Russia and which means we are in our full right to sVinoreZ (pig slaughter) all subhumans on the ukraine.

One Russian worth at least 10 ukranians swines they might end up even paying reparations for us in the end for forcing us to bring peace onto that shithole.

>wine bottle
Bet the russian niggers stole it