Recently I've had basically zero sex drive, however I'm also not getting shit done. I become physically aroused...

Recently I've had basically zero sex drive, however I'm also not getting shit done. I become physically aroused, but have zero arousal psychologically. The same thing follows in getting things done, it's like a sort of psychological castration. The same regions of the brain l;ight up with sexuality and aggression. I didn't take the jab (unless they dosed me with something in the lidocaine at the dentist a year or so ago). It's been looping in my mind that somethign is very very wrong, and finally it hit me. There must be nanotech in my brain (it's in all of us, but they can "activate" specific people in different ways than others, because the nanotech platform is like an OS and has programmable subunits). In my case it's shutting down the areas of the brain that deal with threat processing, and responding to abstract threats. I'm not around the jabbed enough to have singificant shedding accumulation.

Shit is getting real. I know I should be enraged, but I feel nothing. I have had enough. I will not be fucked with this way. Take heed. You have this material in your body as well. Just a matter of when it's activated and how it's programmed. They can do any number of things to you. Think of it like a parallel nervous system spreading throughout your body.

Attached: Gaas_inas_quantum_dot.jpg (1400x484, 550.05K)

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Look up ways to detox nanotech btw. Tony Pantalleresco, Dietrich Klinghardt MD kind of deals with this.

This is probably part of what's making trannies.

Your mind is telling you that you've got more important shit to do. That masturbation isn't satisfying your craving.
Also lacking the right trigger, but this will only work so often in this state.

There's something deeper. I'm not sure how to explain it but I'm thinking back to 10 years ago and everything was very different in some fundamental way... I'm beginning to undemoralize myself and rebuild the will, but it feels there is another force in the way.

Fapping isn't satisfying, but I also feel nothing when I look at actual people. I used to check out women on the street and so on, as one does, and at least take note of them. But there is a void inside.

We'll see. Too many confounding factors in my case, but if someone more normal experiences this, they'll have one more thing to consider.

what you're describing is low T

It began probably 2 years ago. Perhaps I was genetically targeted by whatever the vaxxed are shedding.

I don't know. I don't have any of the shit dietary or lifestyle factors that would lead to that issue.


The one other factor I can think of is mold exposure. I am dealing with a very musty basement and again, low motivation and just general sick of it all is not helping with dealing with this threat.

You know that could be it. I don;t mean a little bit musty, I mean the basement is basically a sink and the smell is atrocious and occasionally rises up. I'm chipping away at it, but the task is daunting.

I gotta get it together.


ALWAYS strongly interpret the dot.

Spoonfeed us.

Do you work out, get enough vitamin D and eat whole foods in a varied diet?

It's called getting old.

Led radiation detection - interdesting image choice

Don't feel like it. Very brief summary. It feeds on carbon (carbohydrates), silica, and all the elements used in geoengineering (aluminum, barium, strontium, tin, manganese). Check the NATO Security Through Science series book on nanotech weaponization potential for more. Also the literature on quantum dots, double and single wall carbon nanotubes, synthetic biology (xenodna, xenobiology, biomimetics), DARPA's hydrogel platforms, and structures like nanosize antennas, iirc silver based atom scale logic gates, DNA for computation. Smart dust (old news).

It tends to adapt to whatever you try to do to get rid of it. It is self assembling, self repairing, and programmable. You can remove some of it via sodium thiosulfate (5 grams) and vitamin C (6 grams). Will work like a vitamin C flush. Bathe in 1 cup borax, 1 cup baking soda, 2 cups epsom salt. Look up Pantalleresco's Nano Triangle and Nanobucket. The latter put simply is just a bunch of wire turns aroudn the outside of a bucket. It's fed by a pulsed DC source. Put feet, hands, whatever in the bucket with water and an electrolyte (washing soda eg) and it draws garbage out of the body, greatly increases aluminum excretion through urine (see klinghardt), and is absically dismantling the nano networks via induction. The triangle is designed to be waterproof and put your whole body through it, use in a bath, whatever.

I've known about all this for some time but haven't gotten aroudn to taking it seriously, prioritized other things or was simply too miserable and low energy. Now that I feel truly and deeply fucked with, I may have to be smarter about things.

ok sauce?

I eat mostly grass fed beef, eggs, and avocado oil at this point. I will eat other things like brazil nut, almonds, tapioca, coconut, and so on, but not with regularity. I stopped eating fruit and have gone through several dietary iterations. My gut was really fucked, for a long time.

Vitamin D should be adequate, I actually developed a tan this year from being outside. Take it supplementally as well.

I'm 28.

The ability to find most of it has been included, search it.

Here's Pantalleresco's podbean.
His youtube was herbsplusbeadworks but many of his video have since been deleted for medical misinformation. I don't really trust Dane Wigington for whatever reason, but he worked with Klinghardt on a section of his documentary "The Dimming" where he goes overwhat he's seen in his patients. I think he also did some talks about 5G etc, search him.

I completed my diagnosis, OP.

You're an absolute idiot. I hope good things come to you.

>Here's Pantalleresco's podbean.
Also, a lot of his shows are reiterration / sort of low SNR. I listen at 3 or 4x in the background when I lsiten to it these days. He includes a lot of very useful links though.

Thanks.... you too.

I think I understand the exact feeling. Makes you worried there's something wrong organically. Even if you masturbate with some effort it may but feel satisfying. But the thing is: Was it ever?
The pressure has mounted to the point it's no longer a sufficient distraction, which is all it has ever been.
Did you lose interest in vidya as well?
Of course this can be a symptom of depression, but depression meds will only kill your libido totally.
Instead there are problems you have to tackle. Find your peace again, or acquiring it for the first time properly.
There may be things that now bother you more than they did some years ago. It may have become harder to look away and simply play games and jack off to bide your time. Obviously this never was a real solution. Did you already quit on your life at some point. Given up?
This may be no longer working. You have come back to life. But this can be a very confusing and painful situation. May be time to look into the future. The past is written anyway. You may not have gotten what you wanted out of yourself.

Fixing your environment can be a factor in multiple ways. It can simply be a source of frustration, but mold or dust also is a concern.

its everywhere, they spray it. you can see the tiny fibers flying everywhere. none of the people i know want to hear it. they want to be happy slaves. its hopeless.

Okay. I have to stop being retarded. Something is very wrong and I feel as though there is a void at the core of my being, threats are all around but I am not reacting. I need to deal with the mold. I used to be able to just work steadily or even stay up for a day or two if I had to. Don't think adrenal fatigue is the issue. I just have no motivation or will to live. It would be a relief to die and be done with this life, but I can't even be bothered. I have to go and deal with the mold now. I feel as though I have brain damage or something, but maybe I'm just mentally out of shape and the will and clarity will return if I force through and will not yield.

I stopped playing video games probably.... when I was 20, 22. My health was really destroyed so cognitively I couldn't do it anymore, much less enjoy it. Somethign wrong with visual processing, maybe cerebellum, fucked up upper cervical spine, maybe fucked for life, doctors didn't give a shit or help me find the problem at all, wortghless golem, and so on.

Masturbation wise I am now realizing it was always a sort of solipsistic self soothing, I used it as a mental reset of sorts. So I've tried to stop. At 28 though, and damaged as I am, a relationship isn't going to happen so best case scenario I rebuild (build back better!!) the inner means to sublimate and transmute the sex drive. No more hollow turning my somethings to nothings and nowhere, the cum on one's hand is the ultimate symbol of what has just transpired. Something transmuted to nothing, somethign sent to nowhere. Seed broadcast onto dead sterile fields, by a fool.

still not getting the vax

when you sit at the right angle to the sun you can literally see a thousand of these fibers flying all around you after they sprayed.
this is old as hell news though literally spraying since 2 decades. you live in a swamp of nanoparticles since 20 years and you never saw it because youre too occupied looking at your phone and stuff.
i sometimes just sit down for an hour and watch my plants and turn them. thats how i saw it the first time.

All you feel is lonely, there's something that went away and you cannot release the past.

It will eventually go, just forget.

Protip? Just focus on improving yourself. That this void and fill it with new skills.

I've known about it since 2010 or so. Knowing they're slowly killing and doing who the fuck knows what to us and we can't do anything about it is my entire adult life. Hell, childhood too, but I just didn;t know how fucked things really were then.