When did you realize your “government” is going to kill you for not agreeing with them

>when did you realize your “government” is going to kill you for not agreeing with them

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long ass time ago, it always been this way asx04

man up

It must be exhausting being terrified of everything


I never said I was scared lol
I’m scared for the secret police that I’m gonna kill in droves lol

Oh no
A red background
The horror

Calling half the country enemies of the state is kind of more important than the color.

April 19, 1993, Mount Carmel, Waco, Texas

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It's always been this way.

I got scared of the government when I saw what happened to Trumps Twitter and Facebook. That’s when I deleted every social media I had.

I haven’t had social media since bush jr was president

Do people even still use MySpace ?

>omg this political speech was just like in my favorite hollywood movie

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With the persistent demonization of “maga republicans”, it feels like everything is coming to a head.

With the timeline we’re on, there will be a secession in about 10-15 years.

I’ve never even had one in my real name. I learned internet etiquette on Usenet. I deleted my fake name accounts. I’m a bit paranoid, I guess.

It's getting to the point where they can't even pretend to like the masses anymore. They've always despised us but now they can't hide it.

I realized this 20 years ago lol. This is one of the funniest things I've seen in all of politics I respect the self awareness.

They arent kidding about coming after Trump supporters.

I went to every rally. They had antifa there recording everyones faces and licence plates.

There are list and they have the support of the government apparntly.

But were the terrorist.

By that measure we need to stand together. If we start getting attacked. There will be no other option but to defend ourselvs and Kill every glownigger, shitskin, kike and liberal you possibly can because they made it clear...



I'd say in 2024

No. It's kinda creepy, if you go there you'll find signs of digital decay. It's like an abandoned house.

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False flag incoming. Probably a small scale terror attack to be blamed on Trump supporters.

Perhaps a small dirty bomb made from a small amount of cobalt 60 or the pellets from smoke detectors. Something easily available in the US and of negligible risk to the nearby population. Very scary sounding but not many deaths.

Might happen in NYC because they’ve all been prepped on how to tape up the windows to protect against fallout. Many public service announcements the last month.

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> just for having different opinions
Nope. Turns out you're just useful idiots accidentally supporting Israel's attempt to destroy the planet. It will be your job to prove that you didnt have any idea he was planning a global political coup

> for not agreeing with them
you mean helping Israel pull off the immanentization of the eschaton

There will be civil war in the usa which will be used as an excuse for Nato/China/WEF to come in and seize their nuclear arsenal and engage in technology pilfering.

In one swift move their will be a power shift in the world towards a decentralized one world totalitarian government ruled by AI.

Not gonna gonna lie, this and Takei writing Ein Folk type Tweet is pretty funny.


What are they gunna do? HAHAHAHAHAHAAH, bitch ass niggers