Do any new immigrants actually pick fruit?

Australia gets new centre-left government, after 100 days the only thing they do is increase immigration.

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it's a ponzi scheme for muh gdp

Dude immigrants go on to clean toilets. Yes ofc they pick fruit.

I dunno about Aus but our fruit pickers are seasonal workers. They come for the season, then go back home. The reason nobody else wants to pick fruit is they pay slave wages to do it.

Need to encourage backpacking though. There's this whole setup where backpackers start in NT and go clockwise to follow the harvest seasons of different fruit

There's a decent minimum wage for fruit picking here

Not here. Here they just collect welfare.

yes seasonal workers, so why are they lifting the permanent immigration?

They won't even hire locals here, used to be teenagers from local towns and villages but now they bus in economic immigrants and make them rent caravans and buy from a single shop that the farmer owns so they get half their wages back

Sounds like your new government is part of the same secret team as Canada's Trudeau and the Netherlands.

The old illegals used to work. The new illegals are basically bums who beg for government money. It's happening everywhere right now.

Pretty sure that's illegal here. Some Union issue with corporations effectively enslaving a workforce

>There's a decent minimum wage for fruit picking here
We literally pay third world shitters less than minimum wage and then charge them to live in a shed and eat gruel for the duration then ship them back.

We have a visa especially for it.

It's extremely based.

>Pretty sure that's illegal here.
lol fuck you're ignorant.

>The PALM scheme allows eligible Australian businesses to hire workers from nine Pacific islands and Timor-Leste when there are not enough local workers available.

>Most PALM workers work in excess of 30 hours a week, and can earn over $800. But their take-home is less than $100 a week after dubious deductions for accommodation and transport,

Stop copying Canada's failures. We already did that. Temporary Foreign Workers were brought into do the highly skilled jobs of donut shop cashier, and forced to live and pay for something like 8+ to a basement owned by the donut shop franchisee.

>Stop copying Canada's failures.
No can do, struggling millionaire farmer, need slave labour to be profitable, can't afford to pay people more than $3/hour, plz understand.

we produce more fruit than we need anyway

Came from NSW because it was a absolute shithole.
Only west bris is mostly white but not for long east south and north going the same way

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Yes they do unfortunately except mangoes always have local crews because they are big dollars for minimum effort.
Dole bludgers can get 5000 bucks from the government and their sole if they want to relocate for the harvests.
I'm a white Aussie who picks fruit for 8months then has well enough saved to have 4 months off , it's good work but few Anglos want to do it , people fuck themselves by going hourly rate rather than piece which makes it no more lucrative that working at a shop or a servo , piece rate is good money $2.50 per bucket of tomatoes and on a good patch (farmers always preference Aussie too btw) 200+ buckets is easily achieved .
Link to show what government is offering Aussie to become pickers.

this will fuck an already fucked housing market

read the article, they are increasing permanent immigration - not seasonal temp workers.