He's spitting straight facts

He's spitting straight facts.

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>198 KB .png

>come together
>by calling the half the country i don't like terrorists

Anyone I don’t like is Hitler

>He's spitting straight facts
Nigger claws typed that or wigger

>you cant be pro insurrection and pro america

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There will come a point when kids are taught this is not how you run a country.

To Hell with Joe Biden.
Long Live the Republic.

I see the 25 year old intern found the box of franzia again

It wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual.

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I’m anti stolen elections, anti-war and anti forced human experimentation. I haven’t changed.

>you can't be pro-insurrection and pro-america
Wasn't America founded by an insurrection?

>saving our democracy
Why does this resonate with npcs so well? Threat to our democracy is another one.

>He’s spitting.

I mean if Joe and his team of nigger slaves and uppity limp wristed DC faggots wants war Ill gladly abide.

When and where guys?

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We had an instruction against the crown. The hell is he talking about.

The "Our Democracy™" thing just means jewish rule.

you wish

>You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-American

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>fuck Joe biden!

>country can't be divided if you execute or imprison everyone that disagrees with you
paired with what his press secretary said today about how "if you're not part of the majority opinion, you're an extremist"
it seems like they're declaring war or readying for an eradication

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I imagine the red coats and loyalists said something of this effect after the boston tea party

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>If you don't agree with what Jews want you to think your an extremist

I already knew that

Have we as a country just decided to formally pretend the country wasn't formed by insurrection?

pic very much related.

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I love America, but I hate the current regime that controls America's government. We are under foreign enemy occupation by terrorists, and they must be removed. The Russians successfully infiltrated every crevice of American society and they are not wreaking havoc.

The democrats don't want to talk about the economy, the stock market, the war in Ukraine, inflation, the US border crisis or LGBT2S because the democrats poll poorly on all of these subjects with the large majority of American voters.
Biden's speech tonight was an attempt by the democrats to craft a narrative to run on this election season. They want to create a monster to distract voters from the democrats unpopular positions. The MAGA threat to "our democracy" is intended to distract from the real issues and energize anyone they can in the mid terms. It also gives the media which is wholly in the hands of the democratic national committee and the Biden administration something to talk about besides the Biden administrations failures.

Checked and that meme is the future

>you cant be pro insurrectionist and be pro american.
Who wrote this for him? Some jewish zoomer? How does he think this country was even created?


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>asking the nation to come together
he means do as we want or else.

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>he think anyone who isn't a hardline democrat will be spared
You're either a faggot or on his kill list too.

>You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-America.
America was created by an insurrection. You can't be pro-America and not be pro-insurrection. Fight me.

a revolution is just an insurrection if you really think about it.
who controls this guy's pr? i don't think there's an open dialogue here. why does the media announce his appearences, and why does it have to tell people what to think?

>Boomers and ancoms will now be fighting
>Kasiereich's civil war will be a meme besides this

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