Literally Hitler 2.0


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they've labeled republicans/people who want to make america great

what else?

Imagine trying to do Hitler against half the population with approval polls in the mid to low 30s. God bless this clownworld administration

I wish

wtf im ridin with biden now

guess you Any Forumscucks were right

the acceleration DID give rise to a new hitler. enjoy the camps

>approval polls in the mid to low 30s
just like the original hitler

Can't wait for the Dark Brandon troons to start memeing Dem revisionism of how cool and progressive Hitler was. I'll give it appx 5 minutes because that was literally a drug-feuled Hitlerian rant

Trying to bring back 20s and 30s style politics is going to be a struggle for such low aptitudes, I'm afraid. Not to mention the logistical nightmare

Man. Of all the nights for Any Forums to not want to talk about the Fuhrer they pick tonight. I wonder what that's all about?

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Reminder: any right wing outlet that isn't clowning Chancellor Shitdapants for LARPing as a literal Nazi tonight, and doing it every single day until midterms isn't worth supporting

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Hitler was a horrible racist cunt. Biden is 100% correct.

Already having to outsource damage control to 5 eyes. What a disaster this entire event is going to be remembered as

At least Hitler wasn't an octogenarian geriatric coffin dodger. And at least he wrote his own speeches. Joe just reads off the teleprompter and still fucks everything up. When Joe gives a speech, dems go: "Wow nice speech!" When Hitler gave a speech his base invaded Poland.

It did kind of lose steam during each of those hundred times he had to stop and wheeze into his own hand

The thing about electing people who should be in nursing homes is they've already lived like a hundred years so blowing the world up in nuclear hellfire really isn't that much of a cutoff for them. Shit, I'm 37 and I pray every night to die in my sleep. If I had a big "fuck you" button to press, I'm sorry but you'd be toast right now.

Problem is that the leader of the nigger faction, latinx faction, tranny faction, wimminz faction etc within this garbage tier joke of administration would all fight over who gets to push the fuck you button and in the end no one would and life just goes on as usual only with extra seething

This isn’t a funny meme
>dude but what it… the democrats were the real Nazis!!

No one here actually gives af about a failed loser pedo regime like the NSDAP was

They've already started doing that with Ukraine and Azov. The ADL issued an endorsement of Azov.

True enough, it's just sad they think this will help them win any more votes, sad meaning it's always sad when your country is run by women tranny and minority retards who would rather watch netflix and capeshit movies than do anything productive or useful