Britain is the most satanic country in Europe

“As far as the war in the air is concerned, this too, I hoped to avert. We accepted it. We shall fight it to the finish. I did not want it. I always struggled against it. We did not wage such a war during the whole of the Polish campaign. I did not allow any night attacks to be carried out. In London they said: 'Yes, because you couldn't fly by night.'

In the meantime, they have noticed whether we can fly by night or not. Naturally, it is not possible to aim so well at night and I wanted to attack military objects only, to attack at the front only, to fight against soldiers, not against women and children. That is why we refrained from night attacks. We did not use this method in France. We carried out no night attacks from the air. When we attacked Paris, only the munitions factories were our objectives. Our airmen aimed with wonderful precision. Anybody who saw it could convince himself of that.

Then it occurred to that great strategist, Churchill, to commence unrestricted war from the air by night. He began it in Freiburg im Breisgau and has continued it. Not one munitions plant has been demolished. Yet according to British news reports, the one in which we are at present assembled is nothing but a mass of craters. They have not even caused a single munitions factory to cease production. On the other hand, they have unfortunately hit many families, helpless women and children. Hospitals have been one of their favorite objectives. Why? It is unexplainable. You yourselves, here in Berlin, know how often they have bombed our hospitals.

Very well, I waited for a month, because I thought that after the conclusion of the campaign in France the British would give up this method of warfare. I was mistaken. I waited for a second month and a third month. If bombs were to be dropped I could not assume the responsibility before the German people of allowing my own countrymen to be destroyed while sparing foreigners. Now, this war, too, had to be fought to its end.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what is warsaw
>what is rotterdam
we dindu nuffin!

They were cities occupied by enemy soldiers who used them for cover

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You started it
Not my problem

Why are Germans still so obsessed with Britain?
You come out of the war better off, despite "losing". Get over it.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

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Jesus, why would anybody care about a group of LARPers pretending to be Aryans from Tibet? It's all so fucking stupid. And their idiotic hats with Totenkopf.

As I recall you declared war on us

Truth. (See pic related)

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They caused Europe to fail (and we live in Europe)

>Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind


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Imagine being so unrestrainedly butthurt about something that happened 80 years ago that you spend your time making schizo montages like this. Let it go.

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I didn’t make it

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Look out, he's pulling out the made up MS Paint articles now kek

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This is the world your grandparents fought for btw

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Which ones are fake? (Serious question)

And it’s true Germany faces migration as well but I don’t remember a time that your country ever did anything except lay the path for huge capitalists to exploit the working class

… and therefore lead to huge migration

Sorry hit post too soon

Your queen is a fucking reptile.

Nigeria 206,139,589
Ethiopia 114,963,588
Egypt 102,334,404
USA 100,000,000
DR Congo 89,561,403
South Africa 59,308,690
Tanzania 59,734,218
Kenya 53,771,296
Uganda 45,741,007
Algeria 43,851,044
Sudan 43,849,260
Morocco 36,910,560
Angola 32,866,272
Ghana 31,072,940
Mozambique 31,255,437

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You really think your daughter will be able to handle them all?

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Sorry fellow saxon. We had to win to stop prussian expansion

They still exist

tl dr

Btw fuck the britshits, the one that destroyed europe

It's pretty impressive that history's largest empire managed to convince the world that they were the plucky underdogs saving the world from the tyranny of a nation that had recently stoped paying them tribute.
I'm sure naming the d-day landings "Overlord" was just a coincidence.

shes also german

At least now we get to watch britain die out of its own stupidity and selfishness

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