US-American man visiting Poland tries to kick out Indian man to protect last white country in Europe from racial...

US-American man visiting Poland tries to kick out Indian man to protect last white country in Europe from racial destruction.

The USA is truly last hope of the white man.

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mutts i'm sorry for the things i've said

America is truly our greatest ally


Poland is ruled only by Poles who care about Polish national interest. There is no Jews in Poland anymore, and especially there is no Jews in government or business here.

who is this? does he post more poland content?

Well, yes. He established an organistion in Poland whose members are other white US-Americans. They simply hunt for foreigners of different race here and try to persuade them to move out.

The same guy was driving this van saying that Hitler was right and Jews should be annihilated:

i swear to god this cunt works in my local kebab shop
he does the best shawarmas

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youre the psycho in the video huh

I wouldn' call this guy a psycho. He just doesn't want Poland to turn into such a shithole like the USA due to mass-immigration of negroes and shitskins

If he feels that Poland is the last truly white and civilized country in the Western hemisphere, that's his choice. I am nobody to judge.


Unlike based Russia right? Get a grip you retarded faggot

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Well, Russia has a lot of Jews in government and business, unlike Poland.

"This is my country, I'm European".
Jesus, Americans are deluded.
You deserted Europe and gave up any claims on it half a millennium ago.
Nothing more irritating than an American who thinks he's "European". The worst are probably the IRA-supporters.

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It's funny how all the polaks are blonde, blue eyed while these two foreigners are the only brown guys.

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Indians who work here and pay their taxes are more welcome here that nazi-larping mutts.

he's acting unhinged. i understand the sentiment but that accomplishes nothing and only makes you look insane. these are only death throes, really.

also im seeing a lot of white people in this video. [spoiler]id fuck her[/spoiler]

america is not a shithole because of a few negros or mexicans. It's a shithole because white americans want it to be. if they didn't, they would work to change it. but they won't.

The question is if we really need to open our borders for turds from third world, if we have unlimited number of cheap workers from Ukraine and Belarus?

In my experience pajeets are more chill, plus they make great food. And they are not here in numbers big enough to cause a problem.
Ukrainians worry me desu, there's 5 million of them now here, only 0.5 million have found employment and the rest is expected to be treated like eternal refugees. Apart from that they seem to look down on Poles, seeing our charity as weakness,

you don't, poland has gone along just fine without it. but the thing is governments, your overlords, want it. and indians etc. want it because they live in shitholes that are shitholes precisely because they are turds.
you can't escape. might as well enjoy it or get into politics and be another hitler to be destroyed.

>People talking about america and polans
Uhh.. obsessed?