Question for Any Forums?

What's stopping you from killing yourself?

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"Oh no not today not here!" Wojak thought as he saw Pepe take his seat. He know Pepe would never let him live it down that Wojak wages as a waitress. A commotion off in the distence as balloons are release "WHOOOOOOOOOOOSSEEE THE BIRTHDAAY BOOOIIII????!!!!????" the faggot ass manager exclaimed. The wages formed a line through the crowded family restaraunt with signs that are usually outside, inside and animals waering hats and sunglasses. The wagies began to clap and Wojak couldn't help but clap too. "Oh no please no" Wojak fretted "not that way" the singing and clapping wagie line wound its way through the the families like a serpent with debts and had to do stupid shit to pay bills. Tears began to stream down Wojaks face as he neared Pepe's table. HE SAW Pepe's knowing eyes and smug smile made Wojaks mind reel as Pepe laughed and tossed peanuts on the floor "happy birthday to you happy birthday to you"


reasons to live

Such as?

you fight even if its over, or else you are pussy in God's eyes and you stand for nothing

Kys you butthurt faggot
. i hope every polecuck gets a heart attack for easter

Normal survival instinct

Overwhelming love of God and life and hatred of the anti-christ

It would be an embarrassment that my family would have to endure for a vary long time.

Self-preservation instinct

Christcucks screw off


that's personal question, but mostly people I care about and I know that they care about me

you guys

Mainly my 2 year old son. Before that it was endless nights of slaying puss and shit posting. If you kill yourself they win

the hatred that's burning in my heart and the desire to see others suffer. or in other words happenings i mean. heh.

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I'm not a selfish pussy.

My wife and kids

I love life and still have much to do. If i get to the point where I would kill myself ill just go be a hobochad

Nobody cares about me
Girls don't even look at me

>What's stopping you from killing yourself?
I'm having a good time. Life is good.
Some things suck of course, but overall it's pretty great.

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I have never had any inclination to kill myself so I have no need of a reason not to.

They want me dead, knowing this I stay alive to be a burden on society, be a NEET when I feel like it, work when I feel like it, use up as many resources as I can while not breeding more kike slaves, also I love to hate everything too much, it's pretty much a sport at this point.


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I have no idea really. I lost my wife, and my house. I live in a tiny apartment. My dog is on death's door and about to die. I have few friends. I'm unemployed with a huge gap on my resume. I don't really care about anything but I do have access to drugs so that's probably the only thing keeping me around. Hopefully I'll get some coke cut with fentanyl and OD

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