Diversity is the biggest lie ever sold

It makes ZERO sense, and never made any sense. How the Fuck can grouping people who hate each other either in public, or through their belief systems behind closed doors, ever be a good thing? How is everyone disagreeing with each other a Strength? How is everyone being miserable working together a positive experience?

Imagine only seeing, living near, and working with people who believe the same as you, and how much easier, and happier life would be.

America was founded on everyone having their Own slice of the pie. Now all we have is crumbly mess of shit.

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>America was founded on
What a retarded appeal. It is exclusively Americans and Israelis who are always on about "why" their country was founded. It is the most retarded appeal and has zero effect on reality whatsoever.

Said the leaf who only recently gained independence, only to go straight back to being dictated. What happened to you Canada, you used to be cool.

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We haven't been back to the moon since they got rid of segregation.

Think about that. (in b4 flat earthers)

What a wierd thing to nitpick.

>America was founded on everyone having their Own slice of the pie.
America was founded for WASP only.
Feminism and Blacks have carved way to this melting pot blowing up.

>mutt believes he is free because the people who one him told he is
You're a good little mutt. Say "woof".

It's not nitpicking. Americans do it constantly and it makes no sense.

It’s an American thing YOU wouldn’t understand never having had freedom, and being afraid of the crown.

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Most of what most people say and do makes no sense these days.

best example being “DIveRSitY iS OUr STrEngTh”

The fact is the powers at be don't care about race. They already have a eugenics program where they create the new leaders and cities. They plan on mashing you all together to weaken you then phase you out as robots/automation/ai take your place.

Good luck goyims

>While the Mongols imported Central Asian Muslims to serve as administrators in China, the Mongols also sent Han Chinese and Khitans from China to serve as administrators over the Muslim population in Bukhara in Central Asia, using foreigners to curtail the power of the local peoples of both lands.[17]

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>I AM FREE!!!!!!!
This is just something you repeat mindlessly because they told you this. I cannot possibly imagine being this brainwashed.

>the USA is free because...
>well b-because it says so on this old ass piece of paper!!!

He said as he willing gave up his firearms and bent over for Justin Trudeau and the jew crew, after a lifetime of bending over for the crown.

It is pushed to undermine the USA and by people who gain materially from having their incompetence balanced out by their race.

Mexicans cant reading comprehension I see, “having had” doesnt mean Burrito I’m sorry
Maybe stay out of America topics if you’re so asshurt canukuckles

>mindless NPC babble
Fucking lmao. What do you use your guns for, mutt? Who is your president? Did he win the election legitimately? Did you do anything about it? Did you do anything when he threatened you with F-15s?

Please continue proving me right. I bet you cannot even define freedom without referencing consumerism of some kind.

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I am the only native English speaker at my job

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